trained paramedic here..need 1000 ml saline bags pref .09% sodium chloride bags, sterile iv starter kits .. Itd be great to have access to protonix and hydromorphone 2mg vials and "banana bags" (folic acid, thiamine,3mg magnesium) - pt not so good shape, npo (cant eat by mouth) needs hydration
I know Mercury Drug is one of the major suppliers of medical supplies, but you might try the hospital pharmacy, too. Sterile IV start kits, you might have to piece together yourself. (Tourniquet, betadine, cotton balls, 16 ga. IV needle, alcohol, tape, bandaids, probably all available ala carte). Some of the other niceties may require Dr. RX and/or may not be available at all. Mercury Drug is very helpful, try them first. Good luck, hope he/she improves quickly!
Sorry, if severely dehydrated, I guess a smaller gauge needle will be necessary. You could call the vets in the area, they keep IV supplies....just another thought. E.R. visit is extremely affordable here, BTW.
If your patient is Filipino, I would advice you to get him/her to a hospital, while you are wasting time shopping for supplies, some Doctor could take care of the problem. If you have bad luck and the patient is permanently hurt or dies, I would not want to be in your shoes...
hes foreigner..thanks guys for info. Will try mercury drug.. He was out in the sun all day..bad sun burn, dehydration and cant keep down anything including fluids..
yeah im looking at around 22g. just out of curiousity what does a er visit cost and which hosp? silliman?
Just off the top of my head (we have had 3-4 ER visits at Silliman).... I would guess around 2000php or maybe less.
Sounds a bit extreme for a sun burn. Perhaps he has other problems going on. The price of the visit will depend on what is wrong and what's needed. If he is just dehydrated they will likely keep him overnight "for observation". Silliman can run ya 2000 for a private room. Total costs should be less than 8k if just getting an IV. Less at Holy Child and even less at Provincial. I would suspect if the burn is really bad they will prescribe some type of ointment. Underlying problems might be addressed if he is elderly. If you are trained could be best that you stick around and make sure the doctor isn't doing anything silly to make more money. (when I had my accident they wanted to keep me overnight for torn rotator cuff. I asked why and they gave me some silly reason, so I just left.)
If just an ER visit here is a comparison. I had a helper attacked in my house and she grabbed the blade the guy had and had lacerations to her hand. ER visit to Holy Child was 1800php with her getting 20 stitches. I would suspect a sunburn should be less.
i am very confident its heat stroke/dehydration due to insufficient water intake, exposure to UV rays not to mention consumption of solely alcoholic beverages while hiking.. Non elderly..clean history. Burn will require ointment, although an aloe-vera or vitamin d ointment to aid in skin rejuvenation will help. Definitely he will have peeling.. Most concerned with his naseau since i cant hydrate him or get him nutrients..i have Zofran (Rx Anti-naseau) oral tablets on hand but a very limited supply... Bad timing too as I have 22g needles, meds, etc in a balikbayan box that hasnt arrived yet... thanks guys for the info on the costs and places to go, prob will have him go in today if he still cant take in anything.