If i owned Robinsons i would charge 50 php admission only at the weekends, for the 50 php you would get a ticket so that you could redeem your 50 php against a purchase anywhere in the mall. This would curtail a lot of the people that only go there to suck up the free air con and have slow walking competitions to the detriment of the serious shoppers (money spenders)
Honestly can't see it happening on entrance to the Mall but I know a few that do it on the car parking.
It's well known that Filipino are mall rats. I think P50 would hurt the businesses in there more than helping them (impulse buying).
Car parking fee would be good as well, there has been a black BMW with flat tyres behind the BDO for over 3 months, if they charged parking they would own it by now.
Dustin is right, they are "mall rats". It is the culture to congregate and mingle daily, whether it be hot, cold rainy or in the middle of a typhoon. The malls are a safe haven, cool, safe and open daily. Activity creates activity and charging an admission fee would never work. Those who show up and meander around have peso's to spend, they just take longer to open their wallets than we 4ners do. We want to shop and leave, they want to hang out and finally get around to the task at hand...
Yes, I would agree that we are more of the hunter/gather types, and they a just the .................
I'm betting that idea while I like it would hurt business at Robinsons. But still it would have its downsides to even me. Sometimes I go just to look for something to find *no stock* at the grocery store or hardware store and then leave. I wouldn't like being out 50p in those occasions but I usually buy fries from potato corner anyways. I'd be happy in the mall with a minimum walk speed lane thou (yes crazy idea). I'm a fast walker as time to me is precious. Even when relaxing I still walk faster then most Filipino's. What I hate is when you have a group walking so slow and it takes forever to get past them. I understand when theirs a smaller kid or an elderly person thou.... but d*mn the mall isn't there for blocking aisles. I even sometimes rudely just shove my way through when I see a group walking slow and blocking the entire path shoulder to shoulder and the polite *excuse me* is ignored.
I think a good way to do it would be to charge 50p for parking and give a 75p voucher for any purchase with a minimum price of 150p. Raise the prices on all products 1p and see if you don't get people spending more. Just my thoughts.