So happy they opened a new Robinsons across the street from out of stock plaza. I have been telling the managers there that it is so convenient to walk across the street when they are "out of stock". I went once to Hypermart but it is my understanding, correct me if I am wrong that it is owned by the same owners as out of stock plaza?
Yes, Lee Plaza and Hypermart have the same owner. To verify this just look on any plastic shopping bag either gives you. So, the Robinson's across from Lee Plaza is open now? When did this happen? I haven't been that way in a couple of weeks.
Living in "out of stock " Country They are both located in "out of stock" country. Once my favorite bread was not available for almost 3 weeks. Magnolia wheat bread. It is still often the case. I usually have two loafs in freezer and buy additional every time I go to store until there is no more room for ice cream in the freezer. it really does not matter which store I go to.