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Pedophile Disembowelled in Prison

Discussion in 'News and Weather' started by PatO, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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  2. DavyL200

    DavyL200 DI Forum Luminary ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Best thing that could have happened to him pat, he got what he deserved!
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  3. Brian Oinks

    Brian Oinks That's Mr. Pig to you Boy! :) Highly Rated Poster

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  4. tlrtraveler

    tlrtraveler DI Forum Adept

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  5. curveball_inside

    curveball_inside DI Member

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    Time to play devil's advocate here; Do you guys really think that punishment fits the crime? He is already in prison for what he did.
    So, you export that form of torture elsewhere - what about the small % of those who where falsely accused. No chance for them to see freedom when their accusers finally come clean.

    That 'ped' label to easily thrown at guys these days. I have been called pedophile for marrying a filipina in her mid 20's.
    I think society is heading backwards; towards Salem, Massachusetts during the 1600's.
  6. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Of course, there are always 2 sides to the coin. As a father of 4 Girls I hardheartedly, Abhor these men (and women) I can agree that sometimes the Punishment does not seem to Fit the crime but usually in the UK these convicted People are sectioned off, my Ex-Wife is a Prison Officer and many times she used to tell me Stories about the beatings and extra Punishment Dished out by Other Prisoners. All to many Times, these pedo's will talk in the Wrong place at the wrong time and the Story comes out, that they did in fact Commit the Atrocities.

    So the Extra Punishment would be dished up. Prisoners have a Code of Conduct within a prison and they will only dish out Extra Punishment where it is Truly needed.

    I don't Condone This type of treatment as we hear sometimes. people are Innocent. On the other hand I can more than see the other Prisoners (many Fathers Too) can and indeed do get riled up and want some sort of revenge for the victims. to me and it is only an (my) Opinion, if these nastiest types, Brag about there crimes ( And many do) they must accept the consequences. If this person we are discussing, Bragged then he got his just Rewards. We all know that it is easy to point fingers and the Mud sticks but we really have to remember, Innocent until proven Guilty. I would not want to sit on a jury in a case that involves this sort of crime. Although, if Proven Guilty, there must have been, beyond reasonable doubt ( or should have been )

    In Short, maybe we should have separate Prisons for these People, then this may not have happened.

    I do Not condone in away shape or Form this type of crime but as Intelligent Compassionate Human beings, we should consider if only a little, that the guilt is 100% safe before metering out homemade Justice. IMHO
  7. Brian Oinks

    Brian Oinks That's Mr. Pig to you Boy! :) Highly Rated Poster

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    I beg to differ Jack. "You are guilty until you prove your innocence"...

    I have several Police Officer friends, one was married to a Woman who belonged to a well known Religious Cult who when she decided to leave him, tagged him as a Pedophile. One of the charges involved w time before he married his wife, he lived alone in a unit, he had finished night shift and gone home, put on a Fan and slept naked on his bed. Meanwhile; his then GF decided to pay him a visit and her younger sister tagged along, when his Wife to be unlocked the back door the younger sister ran to the front room to wake my mate, she found him naked, asleep, on his own bed, in his locked Unit... He never awoke, nor did he know about this until it was brought up in Court as "Wilfully exposing himself to a minor" even tho he never awoke from his slumber... This was one of many ludicrous claims by his Wife, Sister In-law and various Church Members. But guess what? He was charged and jailed to be made an example of for THREE Years shortly after a very high up Detective here was caught on Camera selling Drugs stolen from the evidence Room, he got three Months...

    Each of my friends have each served more than 25 years in the Service without blemish until the s**t hit the fan, another was hounded after he arrested the State's Commissioner of Police after he was caught drunk driving and refused to identify himself, refused to take a breath test then attempted to assault my mate who flipped him, cuffed him and charged him, leading to multiple Fines for such things as chewing his Gum aggressively whilst on Duty, wearing Reflective Sunglasses causing intimidation, what he was hounded and often fined losing a day or 3 in wages was laughable, but not when the directive comes from above deeming you guilty as charged... He had Mobile Phones and personal items stolen from his Desk, Car damaged, Wife and children terrorised, all by work colleagues...

    My mate in Jail ended up brushing up on Law in Prison and representing himself, and his case was overturned by the presiding Judge as a miscarriage of Justice, but not before his wife had frozen his share of funds from the sale of the house thwarting him to being able to represent himself in Court, claiming his 25 years of Superannuation for her and the kids, he was left destitute and now agrees with me, you ARE Guilty IF a Police Officer says so and it IS up to YOU to prove your innocence against their claims no matter how ludicrous or absurd they may appear to be...

    My other mate took more than 15 years to clear his name and finally prove he was the victim of constant harassment when cleared by the Crime Misjustice committee, he had to sell the Family home and move away due to the level of harassment in the workplace, but he still continues to be a Cop today...

    All you need is to be singled out for special attention and your world will come crashing down around you... Even if they claim you are in possession of stolen property, no receipt; it IS stolen! Hand written Receipt; doesn't stand up in a court of law unless you can produce the original owner with an original receipt otherwise it is just hearsay... It is downright terrifying to know people who have been singled out because you never know when you are going to be next, it is hard to comprehend some of the things I have been privy to and witnessed here, who is protecting who?
  8. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Brian that is exactly my point, they WERE innocent, so to say the Home Remedy Extra Punishment is Right, is so Wrong. So! we disembowel a man, then Find out he is innocent. What does that say about Us? :huh: this is what I am saying, we all know the law is an @ss at times and things are never as they seem. Of Course this is Human nature, but two Wrongs have never made a Right. No way Jose!