Hi all, big favor....does anyone know the Swift Number of the Philippines National Bank Dumaguete Branch located in Silliman Avenue cor. Real Street? On a different note, if one wanted to get money OUT of the Phils and back to his own country, how can it be legally done? Cheers
Local banks use (as far as I know) no SWIFT codes for branches inside the PI. The regular swift code for PNB: PNBMPHMM Getting money out... no idea, sorry. If you can't, I can give you a hint who would be thankful to take care of it
You mean to say that anyone who had the bright idea to invest big bucks in the Philippines by buying properties or making a business is stuck with it and cannot sell-up and get his/her money back home? I suspected this much but as this issue was never, to my knowledge, brought up....many sleepless nights to lots of people I guess!!
Nope I mean, if one can't get the money out, just give it to me and I am happy to spend it It actually never occured to me as an issue to get money anywhere, as I never had some...
However, I probably would open a bank account at a real bank like HSBC and get it out bit by bit unless it is millions Euro or Dollar. but then I am sure the person knows how to deal with money anyway and would have no problem to bring it wherever he/she wants
That makes the two of us then....just enough to survive and pay the bills. I'm looking forward to get to see you and extract a drink or two from your tight grip...:D Cheers, Marco.