I lost my Dalmatian today, every indication is that he was poisoned. His last hours were not good and he suffered a great deal. I buried him so my anger can not be contained. I have a decent idea on this and pray he decides to stop by tonight after what he did to my dog. I will spend my. evening outside, local so not anyone that would respond here. Shawn
That sucks. There are some real sick a-holes out there. Try not to get yourself thrown in jail though.
This really hurt, I was there when he passed as well as digging his final resting place. The wife is pissed so this goes outside, I will not be involved as she knows better than me on the best resolution.
SO sorry to hear that Shawn, its so easy to throw something over the fence and cause so much heartbreak
Shawn my friend, Words cannot be found to express my sorrow for you, What I can say is that "Midnight" is now some one more special to me than ever as being the Daughter of your Beloved pet. Azon is Devastated for you. Take care my Friend. JP
Sorry for your loss. There are some sick bastards out there. Be careful what you do. As a foreigner you will always be in the wrong, no matter what.
What really sucks is that he suffered greatly through this and died in his own vomit. Picking up his lifeless body and putting him to rest was one of the hardest things I've done. Obviously I am very mad on numerous levels. My wife is watching videos and pictures she took of him right now from pup to recent and crying her eyes out. I really appreciate the responses, it is amazing how much our animals become family and a senseless loss is devastating. Shawn
I feel sorry for you and the dog (I know him, I played with him). I had three dogs dead in the last 5 years so I know the feeling. The first one , a beautiful big spits dyed on poison too. Heart breaking. But it is not always a foul set up. People use rat poison what do's not kill immediately. The poisoned rat/mouse could have slipped inside the fence where the dog got to him.