Happy new year everyone. So 2020 was a very interesting year, what do you think will happen in 2021. What are we in for?
haha! Great cartoon. I think the next big thing to come up is the “COVID19 vaccine passport” with the QR code. Maybe a bit controversial I think this is the development that will bring the world back to normal again, domestically and to travel internationally again. And once we reach 70% immunity, no QR code needed. 2021 should be a good year. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Happy new year to all Since the subject of Zombies has been brought up i have noticed that through the years' i have watched various Zombie movies my favourite being World war Z although i suppose that it was not technically a zombie movie and some people on the forum will correct me on this with long explanations and it will all end up in the off topic zzzzz.. Sorry, to get back to my observation about zombies i see that they appear to have evolved over the years from slow moving usually dragging one leg to fast, smart and some can even use weapons so the days of standing your ground with just a crowbar against hundreds of them are over
Assuming these vaccines offer any long term immunity. If not this will go on forever. Curious though, what do you mean by "QR code"? A QR code is just a fancy barcode that has a bit of text or a link embedded in it. There is nothing really special about them. A chip in a driver's license/passport/ID could easily have the same data linked to it. Also, where are these QR codes supposed to be placed/printed/tattooed?
The QR code should link to a secure https website when read by an internet connected device. The address of the website has all of your covid vaccines and tests listed, having been uploaded at the locations where you received the vax jabs and tests. If immunity is finite (it probably is), the date if the last shot is listed so the system knows if immunity is still in effect; the data is dynamic and updates when shots and tests are taken. The QR code is just an image you can store on your smartphone, iPad or even print out on paper and us read by a QR code reader. This can be used at immigration etc.. Yes, a chip could also be used but more difficult to change (update) and probably cost more as it is hardware. Chips and marked codes that relate to the number 666 are the things that are dreaded by fundamentalist Christians who are concerned about as the “mark of the beast” lol but realistically, this tech could get society moving again or so many people think. I believe smartphone QR is already in use in S. Korea and China. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
'...they appear to have evolved over the years from slow moving usually dragging one leg to fast, smart and some can even use weapons...' Better rethink my strategy for the next visit to NORECOII then.
That's a lot to ask from developing countries that don't even have digital medical records yet. I have a yellow vaccination card I keep with me when I travel. I think that would be more than enough and far easier to implement. I'm not a fan of my medical records being placed online and accessible to anyone with a QR reader app. I believe forcing this for travel this could be a major HIPAA violation as well. You cannot separate my medical records from my identity when I have to show both my passport and whatever QR code has this data linked to it. Any country could have a program that easily links these two documents together in a database. IMO my medical records (which vaccinations definitely are) should only be accessed by medical professionals or anyone I voluntarily give it to without being coerced to do so (telling me I have to give up that information to go back to my home country or travel within it is definitely coercion). At least with a paper copy it becomes far harder for people to collect and store that data. I would be far more willing to allow immigration or security to look at this document, so long as there is no scanning or photos taken of it. You see I have a vaccination and let me through, no digital records needed.