STD tests in Dumaguete Holy Child Hospital has a door saying something about STD results. Just walk around the wings, I think it is first left into the hospital and first hall to the right. I have no direct experience with how this works at Holy Child but it is a start for your search. In Cebu there is a clinic that gives you a test and results in about 4 hours, including a picture. With the picture connected to the results it is good for when you are meeting new people. The bar girls have to get a test each week. The price is about 550P for them as it is a mandated requirement for work.... you know like typing skills. I think it is a bit higher fee is it is not mandated. Probably you may not have a lot of responses of people will to admit they have knowledge of this. However I am sure there are many guys who would be happy to give you a visiual inspection and opinion. Ask for more information if you want some more information on the Cebu Laboratory, it is probably more professional than the local visual inspectors...hahahaha.
So sorry for the misdirection. I am so sorry I for the miss direction. I did not realize that STD was for Severe Tire Damage. I can now give more help. There is a guy across from the Petron Station on the highway, you know the one with the little fire burning. He actually put a valve stem back into my motorcycle tube at about 9:30 PM a couple of months ago. I considered that Severe Tire Damage, and was glad he could get me back on the road at night. I was amazed at his talent for 70 P only. No need to go to Holy Child, he services were fast and cheap.
but they usually do just patchwork. best is to use a new quality rubber, and to take care that the rim has no outside humps
A few days after going to a bar and pissing razor blades, I wouldn't want to go to the tire shop for a new valve stem installed!! But serious you and go to Holy Child and get it fixed.
Windy, if you suspect you have a sexual transmitted disease, you need to get to a doctor and get it addressed before it gets worse and can lead to problems with your ovaries and whatever. A serious STD test would test your stool, urine, and blood and would also or should also do an HIV test. Go to Holy Child or someone like Dr. Uy at Silliman; don't go for a cheap fake! It will cost some money but you have no choice. A gracious move would be notify your bf's that you are going for a test, they may be burning themselves. Good luck and hope you get treatment. Btw, if this is a cheap trick from a troll, hope it comes back to you.
Are there any smaller private clinics where you could have these tests done? Never mind the costs, that's not a problem. I just rather not go ti silliman or holy child as they're so crowded and there's no feeling of privacy there.
I think the clinic across from Hotel Palwa does checks. If you or your guy is dripping/burning (caused mainly by bacterias) while pissing get 200mg cifixime x4 (1 a day) and 100mg doxicycline x14 (2 a day) if first exposure. This is by far the most commonly contracted std in the Philippines. If second, third or more exposure to the drips a more vigorous treatment is required and some changes in lifestyle and safety should be considered. There are third gen drugs available in Dumaguete but are administered via injection and generally given by a doctor. The pills can be found at any pharmacy in town without prescription. Blisters are a virus and cannot be treated and will return occasionally but will heal. Warts can be frozen off but the virus remains in your body for life. Enjoy.
Self diagnosis is a no brainer. Clinics can do a diagnostic test but you have to remember that they are a business and may well want to sell you a lot of extra stuff or do additional tests for more money. Medical knowledge and expertise is vital, and even in a third world country all doctors will recognise a case of the clap. They will only need to do specific tests to discover the particular strain (and there are a lot of them) so that they know how best to treat it. If embarrassment or fear of being recognised locally is a problem, take a bus trip to Cebu and get treated there. If you try and do it yourself, you are inviting long term big problems. The symptoms of all the strains are usually quite obvious on a man as they are normally external and visible, but for a woman it may not be so obvious as they are often internal. You might think that you are treating yourself for a basic NSU (the dirty undies bug) when in fact you may have Gonorrhea. You might diagnose yourself as having Gonorrhea when in fact it is Syphillis, and when the symptoms disappear you might think that you are cured when in fact the virus is moving on to the next stage. How many laymen are expert enough to know the difference between genital warts and herpes ?? Or Gonorrhea and Chlamydia ?? In short, if you think you have scored 10 out of 10 on the clapometer, stop frigging about in denial and see a qualified doctor.