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Discussion in 'Expat Section' started by filmguy, May 19, 2020.

  1. SkipJack

    SkipJack DI Senior Member

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    I don't know.
    It was not needed here then. Do you remember when the sick Chinese couple came through here and then went to Manila where the male companion died? It was the first COVID-19 death outside of China.

    The local health authorities did their job of contact tracing and isolated everyone who was in contact with them. The tricycle driver, hotel staff and the resort staff in Dauin. Although the authorities wanted him to come into the hospital, the driver of the van chose to isolate at home which was his right under the law.

    The point I am trying to make is that the knowledge of what to do existed well before this. It is the truly ignorant that fail to get it.
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  2. danbandanna

    danbandanna DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Not only ignorant but:

    willful ignorance - Wiktionary
    en.wiktionary.org › wiki › willful_ignorance

    Noun. willful ignorance (uncountable) (idiomatic, law) A decision in bad faith to avoid becoming informed about something so as to avoid having to make undesirable decisions that such information might prompt.
    English · ‎Noun
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  3. JoyDelicacies

    JoyDelicacies DI Member

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    I agree but it was very difficult to understand. And I thought the Monkey Man was on Bocolod not Negros. I have a picture with him at the monkey sanctuary there.
    Last edited: May 24, 2020
  4. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    No, it doesn't. These "leaders" (they aren't leaders, they are the scum of the earth...politicians) should know all about these issues since they are from the country they are leading. I never implied that the US or UK had good leadership. They absolutely don't and these issues are not an excuse for their p*ss poor decisions.

    Some countries have citizens that respect authority and/or believe in their leadership. It is much easier to implement rules when you have that. The more diverse a country's demographics and wealth disparity the less chance you are going to be able to get anyone to agree on anything.

    Find funding, eh? Sounds simple but you are aware that politicians are the ones that have to do that, right? When have politicians ever done anything to benefit the average person without the average person getting close to revolting against them? Politicians protect their power first, then the rich and then the crumbs go to the people who actually keep everything working.

    Contact tracing in a country that doesn't trust their government and isolating people who value personal freedom above almost everything else? Good luck with that.

    "Puleece State!! But muh freedum! I no muh rites!"

    You underestimate just how many idiots there are in the world.

    Cool, who is going to pay for that? 40% of Americans don't even have enough money saved up for a $400 surprise expense. Millions have no insurance, millions more have sky high deductibles.

    No long term testing? Guess we force everyone to be a guinea pig.

    Yup, the leadership sucks in both the US and the UK. However the economic losses were going to be enormous even if they did exactly as you stated above. There is just no way around it. Fear does that.

    You really think those rules could have been implemented in the US without major protests and a guaranteed loss in the upcoming elections?

    Not sure that is possible. There are very few people in this world that I respect less than that "man". He is an embarrassment to the human race and I can't think of one redeemable trait.

    While your ideas may work they are a simple solution to a complex problem and lack understanding of the nuance in policy making and implementation.
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  5. Happy Camper

    Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer

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    You are correct the the PI had the first confirmed death outside of China. However the US instituted a travel ban from China on Feb 1, Manila did not do so until March.

    What you are failing to understand is the dynamics of Island living versus a land based country where travel is open. The similarities of the EU as a Nation with States and that of America with its States are very similar. If you look at the EU as a Nation, then they have outpaced the US slightly.

    I get that you don't like the US President, that is fine, you probably don't like many leaders, but to blame them and not understand dynamics of the time is irresponsible. Can you imagine President Trump shutting everything down before the Super Tuesday elections? What would the response have been? The wannabe President called his travel ban racist and xenophobic, he finally came on board two months later. Imagine the infection rate if the ban had taken place in April instead of the end of January.

    You cite Taiwan and Hong Kong among some others. But China considers them their provinces, Hong Kong is such. China forbid travel from Wuhan to anywhere in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong included. No one could travel into Wuhan from China. But anyone from Wuhan that wanted to travel internationally was allowed to leave.
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  6. danbandanna

    danbandanna DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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  7. SkipJack

    SkipJack DI Senior Member

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    I don't know.
    First, Please try to get your facts straight. The Philippines closed their border to China on Feb 2. One day after the US. It would have been very simple for you to look this up before writing. Please do better in the future.

    Second, The orange man failed to close the border with Europe in a timely manner. As a result most of the infections came from Europe.

    Studies Show N.Y. Outbreak Originated in Europe


    Finally, When I used the term leadership I was not only referring to the orange man. I was referring to the entire leadership structure. The government employees manning our border and health departments were failing to do their job. As is so common with those suckling the government teat. Not a surprise considering there is no feedback mechanism to the leadership to inform them if the job was being done properly.

    During enhanced screening, The federal agency at the arrival airport is supposed to pass the contact information of arrivals to the local health departments so that they can follow up with the person in quarantine. Did the information not get passed on? Did the county health department fail to follow up? The expected result failed to happen.

    In interviews, multiple travelers who arrived after the screening was expanded said they received only passing scrutiny, with minimal follow-up.

    Only one in Arkansas,

    “They asked us every day: ‘Have you stayed inside? Have you met anyone? Have you been quarantined?’” Passmore said. “They’re really nice about it. They said, ‘If you need anything, we can go grocery shopping for you.’”

  8. Happy Camper

    Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer

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    So the President has come out and said that he will not allow schools to reopen until there is a vaccine for the COVID.

    I guess they have forgotten about the results of the last rushed vaccine. Remember the mess over Dengvaxia?

    But if he is not just blowing smoke this time, I would plan for no school for at least a year for those of you with school age children.

    I was also informed, not sure on the reliability, that the teachers of public schools will be paid, but the private schools are not. Good luck to them.
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  9. Marmar

    Marmar DI Junior Member

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    I agree. Back in March 2019 I had knee tendon surgery from a bad fall. Severed knee tendons. Spent almost a month in the hospital so they could give me an outrageous bill. Than after 2 weeks doc has me come back for check up. They basically didn't tell me anything other than rest. Next appointment another 2 weeks doc puts me in physical therapy.
    To this day I still walk with a limp, can't bend my leg alot, still larger than my other knee an lastly still a little painful if I walk more than 5 minutes. I read somewhere ratings of doctors an hospitals USA #1 Philippines was on the 7000s
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2020
  10. jimeve

    jimeve DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    Which Hospital was that?