They are everywhere it seems. Peoples front yards, side yards, back yards, side roads, fields and running across road ways trying to off the drivers that are driving with one hand on the wheel and the other on a damned cell phone to post a ''he he he" or a "lol" on facebook. Anyways.......... just toss them in the trunk of your car and be thankful that wild goats are every where just to allow you to cash in........ Mo fun in the Philippines. Added note. To know a wild goat,,,,,,, they have no rope attached nor collar! Cheers!
Why do people keep the goats that are not wild, is it to eat them or for goats milk or is there some other reason ?
Well.......... It's nothing to get ones Goat up about. But when I see a wild Goat, I Goat for it. Toss that side of mammal meat right in the trunk. As for the Ladies, who knows, just remember that- Arguing on the Internet is like sex with a goat No matter how good your performance, everyone else now thinks less of you.
Goats are the poor mans cow. Goat yoga is a thing now. Billy goat curses apparently last 71years.
I will stick with the fine (2 legged Ladies) because making out with a Goat will always get yah kicked out of the petting zoo.
A man, a dog, and a goat are the only survivors of a shipwreck They end up on a deserted island. After a few weeks, the man is feeling very lonely and starts looking at the goat in a new light. One day he tries to have his way with it but the dog growls and scares him off. He goes to sleep unsatisfied. The next day he tries again, but the dog is there, growling and threatening to attack if the man gets too close to the goat. The man grows frustrated. One day, he sees a ship foundering off the coast. He is able to save someone from drowning. He gets them to shore and discovers it’s a beautiful woman. She comes to and says “Wow, you saved my life. I’ll do anything to thank you. *Anything.*” The man can’t believe his luck. He looks at her and his mind reels with the possibilities. “Would you mind holding this dog for a minute?”