Anyone ever tried getting your own drilling rig and get someone to do the labor? We are pretty remote here in the mountains
Getting my well drilled was an absolute nightmare. Went through three drilling crews, each one bringing in a bigger piece of equipment before finally hitting water at about 320 feet. In watching the crews I could see there is a lot of tricks and techniques to deal with all the problems that for sure are going to come up, I think that only comes from a lot of drilling experience. I think that buying a rig and hiring labor would be pretty risky if you don't already know what your are doing, there is a lot that goes into it, especially if you need to drill really deep which is probably the case if you're in the mountains.
If there is an area on your property that gathers water after a heavy rain and holds it over a couple days, try digging 4 to 8 foot down. Yah may just hit what your looking for. On my Farm in one area I I hit water at 4 FT and lot's of it. Downside with my water there is it's about 30% salt. I have a rain catching tank also that catches roof water off off my largest Chicken coup roof. Just putting it to you that there may be suitable alternatives.
I hired a crew from Bais once. While i was away they hit a small pocket of water, convinced the in laws all was good. Got paid only to find out it had about a 1 barrel capacity.
My deep well water has started to suck sediment, brown coloured sediment. Need to get a filter, went to polarise and asked them if they could schedule a visit to install one, said they would contact me. Still waiting.