Yesterday I overheard Karen saying that bleach cures COVID-19...along with pretty much every other bacterial and viral infection. And why not? If it kills it on your countertops and floors there is no reason to think it wouldn't kill it in you body. Pretty solid logic IMO. Drink up.
My asawa, who is not an idiot (I have to say that as she is standing behind me), was telling me last evening about necklaces made in Japan which can detect coronavirus. She was told by her sister living in Taiwan. All my reasoning seems to have little effect as she says "Well, if it will save you then we need it"!!! What an opportune time for scammers selling rubbish.
People do all the time. tRump has been touting hydrochloroquine as a "game changer" even with no science to back up the claim. Some woman in Arizona (I think) found a bottle of fish tank cleaner in her closet that listed hydrochloroquine as an ingredient. Based on tRump's endorsement (and she said it was because he touted it), she and her husband ingested it. He is dead; she is taking up an ICU bed where she was interviewed.
Wow, what a couple of idiots, I'm probably sure on the tank cleaner it said not for human consumption!