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Houses & Apartments

Country house with swimming pool and a stunning view



Price : ₱30,000
Date : August 25, 2019
Location : Amlan, Negros Oriental, Philippines

This two hectare property is located in Amlan along the cemented road to brg. Silab, three km from the highway and about 100 mtr above sea level. The surrounding area is wooded and sparsely inhabited. Distance to Dumaguete centre is 25 km. Nestled on a hilly outcrop it offers an stunning view, overlooking the waters of the Tanon street, Negros and the neighbor island of Cebu. Looking at the map photo, the area between the curved yellow line (representing a rock wall) is flat, The land slopes from there on all sides (except on the road side) towards the boundary line. The whole property, except in front of the house is planted with trees, mainly mahogany, further cocnut, narra, mangium, tugas and other varieties, altogether around 1,300 trees.

We offer this low rent only if your willing to take care of our dogs and cat.


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