I too have these thoughts about my in laws and have said time and time and time again to my wife, that if I dont go 1st, I am not going to waste necessary funds that I will need for our two kids in the years ahead (I'm not a religious person), if you spend a lot of what you have now trying to keep and old person alive using what funds you have saved for your future, what are you going to do yourself when your worries came facts, this is no country to be walking past a bank and not being able to walk in, sure I have bought some medicines in the past and will of course again, but big big spends on in laws hospital stays and operations is a no no no (if hospitals or doctors see who is doing the paying, then be sure they will try to suck you dry)my wife and I have had several discussions/arguments about this, but as the years go by and she begins to see the things that us foreigners see and feel that is different in our cultures she too comments now on things before I do.
I guess what im saying in this tough tough time for you, not being so free with your money is not necessarily being greedy, I think that you are being very practical about it.
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- Thread: Malignant ovarian cancer
The types that do this are losers. They have been losers their entire life. They look and talk down to these people because it makes them feel better about what a loser they are. It has nothing to do with accepting local culture, it is a mental illness that is causing these losers to project their own self-esteem and self-worth issues onto others. Everything they are saying to and calling these unfortunate Filipinos is exactly how they feel about themselves. Wanna test it...call them trailer trash/euro trash and watch their reaction. It will definitely hit a nerve. (Don't actually do that, it will only start a fight. The trash that does this isn't even worth the energy it takes to vocalize the word "trash". I will only step in if I see a foreigner getting physical with a local, or if I'm 99% positive throwing some extreme aggression in their face would have them back down quickly. Aside from that I do what you do, comfort the local and tell them it is the foreigner that was acting like an idiot.)
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- Thread: Best place in Dumaguete to live?
And Dustin, be nice, he's asking a real question.. Which reminds me.. Don't expect a straight answer, 90% of information is conjecture, lies, or old info, just like the states. And if "out of stock" bothers you, move to cebu or manila. I remember when a burger joint was "out of stock" of hamburger buns... <grin>
But the area is a fun place to live, medium sized town, lots of nice people, nice weather (global warming is forcing most big storms up thru Luzon), enough decent restaurants to keep you well fed (argued to death), and the town is so small that whomever you meet will be related, work with, is cousins with, or went to Silliman university with someone you already know, or they just moved here too...-
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Last edited: Jan 27, 2019 -
- Thread: its no wonder
One thing I actually like about the Philippine culture is that if you are kind most people will go out of their way to help you. Some people really need to learn how to make this part of the culture work for them.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk-
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Nobody really cares in the Philippines. Go be yourself wherever you want.
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- Thread: 9/11 Anniversary
Not only a sad day for the United States but a sad day for the world to see what we have become and what we have learned from this..
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- Thread: Drug-Related Cases In NegOr
Dave & Imp DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer
The numbers do not really add up well.
This process of grand standing law enforcement activities reminds me a little of the LTO traffic stops, where there are lots of officer around, legal motorcycle being laboriously inspected, while 50 to a 100 motorcycles park down the road with in viewing distance of the officers,without lights, mirrors, license plates and tags, just waiting for the "show" to be over so they can drive on. There seems to be a significant number of emotional "shows" here to impress people that something is being done.-
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- Thread: Why do expats love Dumaguete?
His information is a bit off.
- Silliman was not founded in the 1600's, it was founded in 1901. The first university in Asia was in the Philippines (University of Santo Tomas - 1611)....but it was not in Dumaguete. Maybe that's what he was talking about?
- Dumaguete has far more than 20k30k people. The population is around 120k.
As for the reason for the "old white men" in Dumaguete. I don't think it has anything to do with struggling 18-19 y/o students. Every city in the Philippines has plenty of struggling 18-19 y/o students. I believe the reason Dumaguete is so popular with "old white men" (there are plenty of expats of other races/nationalities here) is because it is a more laid back city than many of the other more urbanized areas. Another reason I believe it might be a bit more popular with the older expats is that it is a more conservative area than many other cities. The beaches (which aren't really spectacular), other outdoor activities and the universities draw in a wider demographic. Overall I think Dumaguete is more popular for expats because it has a wider range of appeal that some of the more "specialized" cities like Angeles (prostitution), Olongapo (prostitution and beach resorts), Manila (no idea what the appeal is there), Boracay (only beaches), Palawan (beaches/outdoor activities). These other towns are a one trick pony. You also see older expats in the Philippines because, well, they are retired. Most people in their 20's and 30's don't have the money to just pack up and move half way across the world. You see more of them because older expats are residents, younger foreigners are tourists and students so they come and go and you are more likely to see them at the resorts and universities. More disposable income with the older expats so you will see them out more often.
As for his call for backing this opinion up with stats/studies from reputable organizations, well, he didn't have any for his opinions. Prostitution does happen in Dumaguete but it is nowhere near as common as other places in the Philippines. I don't think this guy has traveled all that much around the Philippines.....he's also a bit judgmental.-
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- Thread: Entering Philippines
Recent Experiences on Entering Philippines:
Covid test required with negative result - either antigen test no more than 24 hours before flight or RT-PCR test no more than 48 hours before flight. Antigen tests are much cheaper, I found. Had test kits delivered to an address, took tests (all negative), took photo of test result and sent off with photo of passport. Result certificate received within 10 minutes. Printed them off and no questions asked on arrival.
Arrival in Phils requires:
1. Negative Covid test as described above.
2. Registration on One Health Pass. Be careful with this - can only register within 3 days of travel and if you make a mistake, as I did, some things cannot be retrospectively changed through the 'Edit' section of your profile details. Print off or save to phone the QR Code page that is sent via email.
3. Make sure you have VaxcertPH certificate.
4. KEEP YOUR BOARDING PASS(ES). Several travellers I overheard falling foul of this. BOQ will stamp the boarding pass after checking all other documents at the airport before arrival at passport control. If you cannot show a boarding pass, it seems that you get shunted aside for some other kind of check before being allowed to leave the airport.
Allow time for all of this process. If you are travelling with young kids or have disabled members in your party, you will get some priority, but can still add around 30 minutes to the process, more if you don't.-
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- Thread: Coming into the Philippines
ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force
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Flew in from Guam-Manila-Cebu this past Friday. Relatively easy process; register with the One Health Pass, upload your negative test within 48 hours and put in your personal and flight info. Once you hit Manila they send you to a separate desk to scan the QR code the OHP emails you, check your vaccine card and they asked if I had travel insurance; I went to pull out a copy and they waived it off. Then off to immigration.
For the connecting flight they wanted to see the initial boarding pass as it gets stamped "verified". Driving back to Negros on Sunday was a breeze with nothing being checked for driving onto the ferry.
I'll be here until 5 April if anyone wants to reach out to grab a beer or something; have a few folks I need to reach out to as well once I get a handle on the to-do list that's been waiting on me for the past 26 months!
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Last edited: Mar 22, 2022
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