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  1. Glendazumba

    Glendazumba DI Forum Adept

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    Dumaguete City
    +729 / 36
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    For the 3rd time in a row Negros Oriental has been given GCQ in spite of the fact that we'd been having a clean record for several months already. Per our daily report, there had been ZERO new cases for the past months! We could not understand why they keep on extending GCQ when we should be moving forward to MGCQ. In the President's recent speech, he had announced the areas that would be downgraded to MGCQ and I swear, Negros Oriental was in the list. It is exasperating to see later on that some people up there have managed to change our classification for some reason.

    Is it clinging to power and having control of people? Earlier before the president's announcement, like 3 or 4 days before, our local "leaders" have already preempted our quarantine form after May 31 saying that we would still be extending GCQ. This pronouncement however did not tally with the President's announcement later, that Negros Oriental will now be downgraded to MGCQ. How this decision changed is beyond everyone's understanding when the local govt. made a final announcement that we are still under GCQ, contrary to the President's announcement in his speech. What happened? Did someone from the local government make an appeal to national government that we should still remain under GCQ? It seems like it and it is not funny. It only reflects the kind of leaders we have in this province-----they are a bunch of weaklings who want to hold on to the power straw.

    The people of Negros Oriental do not deserve this prolonged isolation. We'd been good, following protocols, etc. I just wish we'll have an election tomorrow so we can change these corrupt weaklings.
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    • I was wondering about that too! x 1
  2. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    May those who made the ultimate sacrifice rest in peace
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  3. dr ski

    dr ski DI Member

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    We can be like they are.

    In case you kids missed it, I'm including some snapshots of April's "Super-Moon"
    What makes it "Super"? The media.
    Before,after.jpg Apr7FM2.jpg Apr7Moonrise.jpg cymoon2.jpg Apr7FM.jpg Apr9Moon.jpg Apr9MS.jpg Apr10SR.jpg Aug8Venus.jpg Apr10Plnts.jpg
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  4. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    I note a few more replies to comments that IMO are a bit too unnecessarily severe - can we not just be civil to each other in this time of crisis, when everyone's life has suddenly changed, their daily routines have been upended and people are under stress,

    By all means, correct false and dangerous information or advice, debate favourite topics - but can't we all try to do it in the most positive way, rather than succumb to the negative.

    99.99% of people on the Forum are nice people - it may even be 100% now that ON has gone (sorry to break my own rule but he was rather nasty), so can we accept that everyone is trying to help everyone else and just be pleasant.

    And, no, this is not an April Fools' joke.
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  5. dr ski

    dr ski DI Member

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    You're gonna meet some gentle people there.

    nov29eagle.jpg Nov30MSVJ.jpg Moon and Jupiter.jpg Dec1SS2.jpg Dmgteport.jpg Dec41stQtrMoon.jpg Dec6Bacong5.jpg DecLD8.jpg Garden views.jpg Dec6fisheye.jpg
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  6. greko

    greko DI Junior Member

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    Hi Expats,

    Got caught at a checkpoint with no helmet. (Yes, I know it is foolish not to wear a helmet.) They are starting to give tickets for no helmet in Dumaguete City. The fine is 1,500 1st offence. 3,000 2nd. 5,000 third. They take your drivers license. You have to go to the main LTO office and it takes about 3+ hours to pay the fine and get your license back. The office opens at 8 and there is a line of about 30 people at 7:30 am.

    An Australian guy was given a fine 0f 5,000 because he was driving on his Australian drivers license and had been in the country for more than 3 months. So they gave him 3,000 for driving unlicensed, 1,500 no helmet and 460 I think for impound fee even though his bike had not been impounded. He was arguing but there is no sense getting angry. The law is the law and the LTO guy is just doing his job.

    Moral of the story: Wear your helmet and keep your papers in order or take a tricycle. If you have been in the country less than three months, have a copy of your passport stamp. If you have been here longer than 3 months, go to the main LTO office and get your Philippine drivers license. It cost me about 850. Your foreign license should a have motorcycle permission. The default is just car permission. If you convert your existing license, make sure your Philippine license has a 1,2 under Restrictions in the bottom left corner. 1 is for motorcycle, and 2 is for car.
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  7. Obliged Friend

    Obliged Friend DI Forum Adept Veteran Army

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    Had a checkup..in April. I’m 6’3” and weighed 250 lbs. Uric Acid was 7.2...and the good cholesterol was a little low. BP 140/90. No diabetes.

    1. Lose weight

    2. Celecoxib 400 mg

    3. Febuxostat 40 mg

    4. Rosuvastatin Calcium 5mg

    5. Portal East Gym...several weight machines for 30 minutes and long bike for 30 minutes.

    Lots of water. Eggs for breakfast at McDonalds, an occasional wine, no salt, no junk food, fruits and Romaine lettuce with Feta cheese. Low purine foods. No caffeine

    Weight is 225, Uric Acid 2.3, BP 110/80 yesterday.

    All my XXL shirts are way too big. Had to poke an extra hole in my belt. Have 42 to 46 waist shorts and pants. They fall to the floor without a belt.

    It wasn’t that difficult, and occasionally there’s eye candy at the gym.

    My doctor is Jennifer Emperado , she has an office at the new hospital.....there’s no crowds at the new hospital.
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  8. dr ski

    dr ski DI Member

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    It's been a terrible month for stargazing. There's a beautiful apparition in the morning sky now. Venus and Jupiter are guarding the Scorpion. Every now and then the clouds open up and give me a chance to image it. I'm also including the only images I was able to capture of the Moon and Sun. Picture1.jpg Scorpio's sentinels.jpg FEB2.jpg FEB2a.jpg Picture15.jpg Picture2.jpg Picture3.jpg
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  9. Solid_Pan

    Solid_Pan DI Member

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    Sibulan, Neg.Or.
    +92 / 2
    Hello everybody,

    I am 53 years old, a retired former IT specialist from germany. Together with my live-in-partner and our six week old son we are staying in Bacong. You can find me/us on Dgte public market, Robinsons and Lee Plaza :-) After some time of lurking I find this forum very useful for all kinds of information one living here is in need for.
    Please excuse the current level of my knowledge of english language, it hopefully improves month by month.

    Regards, Solid_Pan
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  10. dr ski

    dr ski DI Member

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    After a long spell of cloudy days the sky miraculously cleared up on Thursday night.
    The following images were captured with my 50mm/f2.0 portrait lens. Because of the large 25mm clear aperture (50mm/2.0), I can get some pretty decent stellar shots using short exposure times (to avoid star "trailing"). Thought I would share these. Picture1.jpg Picture2.jpg Picture3.jpg Picture4.jpg Picture5.jpg Picture6.jpg Picture7.jpg
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