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  1. cabb

    cabb DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster ✤Forum Sponsor✤

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    Back at you. Volcanic lightning from Taal Volcano. skynews-volcano-philippines_4889805.jpg
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  2. tuba-coma

    tuba-coma DI Forum Adept Showcase Reviewer

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    talisay.jpg I recommend you to look out for a Talisay tree, they grow relatively fast, they are undemanding (they grow up everywhere, even at the beach, and don't need much water), and they spend great shadow later on. you can also trim the branches in any form or direction you like. doesn't have any fruits except a kind of nuts, our dogs like them to chew on them. if you find a big Talisay tree just search under it, there are many sprouts to take out. Never pay anything for a young tree, they are available everywhere for free, maybe just ask the property owner before you take out some. you don't want to get shot for a tree. if you don't find any just txt me, we have a lot around here.
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  3. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    First the Senate and relevant committees need to hear, make amendments and vote on the bill. Then the House gets to do the same. Then it goes back to the Senate to vote on the bill with the changes made by the House and on to the president to sign. Many idiotic ideas get put into bills, very few make it through the process. Laws are hard to put in place for a reason. I wouldn't get excited about it until it has been passed down to the house for their amendments and vote.
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  4. Liverpool fan

    Liverpool fan DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I have had the same experience several times as you Mark, I try to talk to the rude expats in a polite way, maybe you have a bad day but it's not the fault of the staff, but empty eyes, no understanding, you can't fix stupid
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  5. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    It is not that surprising. The rule stems from the Philippines wanting to avoid the opioid problems that has plagued the rest of Asia for centuries and, more recently, the Western world. While their laws may be Draconian, a severe over-correction and have serious implications for patient end-of-life/post surgery comfort, they do serve a purpose and it is hard to argue that they didn't achieve the goals they set out to achieve.

    I believe there are two types of prescription pads in the Philippines; a white one and a pink/red(?) one. You would be looking for a doctor that has the pink/red one and they are going to be few and far between, for obvious reasons. I can't help you with this but I wish you the best.

    Btw, if you are suffering from insomnia the best course of action is likely a change of lifestyle/habits...not drugs, which can become addictive or make you reliant on them for sleep (I suffered from insomnia a long time ago. Turned out that I had some really bad habits that were keeping me up at night). Perhaps a bit of reflection on some bad/ unhealthy habits or underlying mental health issues could better, and more permanently, address the issue.
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  6. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    Honeycomb on the boulevard. It sits on the corner of Locsin and the boulevard. If you go around the side on Locsin you'll see a small Japanese restaurant and then there's another section of Honeycomb. Go past the Japanese restaurant and you'll see a small parking area and a door. I think the game starts around 6pm. Before it starts, the parking area is empty. While it's going, the area will be full of motorcycles. Go in that door and you'll see a couple of tables going.

    There's also a walkway which goes further into the building where there's a bar. Don't go in there. There's no poker there.

    There's also home games around the city. If you see foreigners in there, you can ask them about other games. Games and locations change all the time because the legality is questionable. Occasionally a game gets shut down because the organizers start feeling heat. Right now the poker scene is quite small. There used to be a lot more options.

    The game at Honeycomb is Texas Holdem. Sometimes you get Koreans or tourists who drop a lot of money and you can do quite well. A lot of the locals play loose and aggressive, so you have to be careful. Avoid small tables where you see all locals with small stacks. They just go all-in and buy back in at the minimum. You end up with relatively small wins and their all-ins hit often enough to wear down your stack.
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  7. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    Take a look through the forum using the search. There are a lot of threads. There are a lot of different sorts of schools here.

    Here's a list from Wikipedia.


    If I had a kid here, I would probably just take the kid into each school (of those which are on your list of acceptable options) and have the kid pick the place.

    You might also see if you can talk to instructors. From my elementary through (some) college, I only ever remembered my best instructors. The biggest name professors don't do much for your education if they can't teach well. There are diamonds in the rough.

    Maybe look in Facebook for groups formed around schools or education in Dumaguete in general.

    Don't totally write off the religious schools. I helped put a group of kids through St Paul, Silliman and Foundation and the kids didn't turn out brainwashed.

    Schools like Foundation and Silliman have classes for kids all the way up through college. Silliman is also considered one of the best schools here.
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  8. Sedona

    Sedona DI Forum Adept

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    Oh Boy, don't get me started ... getting my well drilled was a nightmare. The first driller said they would finish in 8 weeks. Over a year later, after nearly two million pesos lost, the fourth driller I used finally managed to finish the well. Be very careful about creating a good contract before starting, pay as little as possible up front, and then make progress payments as specified depths are reached (make sure you are present to confirm the depths), and make as much of the payment as possible be contingent on completing the well. Specify in the contract every little thing like the casement to be used, the pump, the motor, the wire gauge, the above ground electronics, the support and warranty, and that all materials must be new.
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  9. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    You will be called a "foreigner" or "Kano" (short for Amerikano) regardless of where you actually come from. Kano seems to be used quite frequently with derogatory context. If I hear it come out of a local's mouth I stay very far away from them. (My ex-wife was a Filipino-American, only had US citizenship and was on the same tourist visa as I was in the Philippines, and it regularly came out of her mouth when she was talking about me to her friends. Divorced her shortly after I heard her, a "Kano" herself, call me that. Funny thing was, her friends were calling her the Kano behind her back and as soon as my money went away so did her "friends".)


    Same, although I believe the average is a bit cheaper.


    Has happened to many expats in the Philippines as well.

    "Kano" IMO. It's quite common for them to try to milk expats for money.

    Depends on how good at picking partners you are. There are good ones out there...really depends on where you look.

    If you go out looking for a 18-20 year old girl you are playing the game. Don't get upset if you end up getting beat at it.

    Wait, isn't he nearly 60? Maybe I'm thinking of someone else.
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  10. hawk263

    hawk263 DI Forum Adept Blood Donor Veteran Army

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    Grumpy's is being developed by Ralph and Aurora, who used to have la Fiesta in San Miguel. Expected to open in December.
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