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  1. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    Such great pics, thanks for sharing.
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  2. Show Pony

    Show Pony DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    OMEGA is a place that can help you out. They are on the National Highway just north of the intersection past Robinson. They are on the mountain side of the highway (across from the AVON office more or less).
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  3. LENNY

    LENNY DI Forum Adept Showcase Reviewer

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    Tranny fluid discolored is not a sign of failure... change it and the filter...If the transmission seems to be slipping between gear changes ... then you have a problem... If it shifts down very hard .... you have a problem...if when you put in gear it clunks loud and hits hard .... you have a problem ..but if all seems ok and it goes thru the changes good... just do the oil change..keep the money in your pocket and whatever you do if it is working properly do not ask a mechanic if something is wrong because of the fluid color....... just change it or they might tell you it needs some repairs and believe me it does not.. just read what i have written you and go from there
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  4. Outcast

    Outcast DI Forum Adept

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    You can take a roro to Cebu, then drive up the east caost. abut 10 km north of argao is taloot wharf. you can take a lite ferry from there to loon bohol. sorry i cant help you with a recent scedule.
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  5. AlwaysRt

    AlwaysRt DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Blood Donor Veteran Air Force Marines

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    Can it be enough? Yes
    Do people manage on that much long term? Yes
    Is it enough for you??? No way we can answer that for you. You need to come here a few months trial basis and see for yourself.

    Example to think about:
    $800 is about p40,000 right now and the exchange rate can change for better or worse.
    Figure about...
    p10,000 rent for studio apartment
    p5,000 utilities (phone, internet, electric, water)
    p2,000 average for Tourist Visa

    40,000 - 17,000 = 23,000 for food, entertainment, emergency savings, medical, travel (around town, around the Philippines, and you have to leave once every 3 years as a tourist).....
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  6. Dave_Hounddriver

    Dave_Hounddriver DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    That may be the cheapest option. You could ride up front and they would all ride in the back quite happily. If I had to do it I would go to the Jeepney terminal at the back of Robinsons with a gf who could speak the local language and get her to start asking driver's what they would charge for a private trip to Simala and back.
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  7. Show Pony

    Show Pony DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Algorithm Computers located on the north highway about 200 meters north of Cangs, same side of the road. I get most of my computer stuff there and they are very good.
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  8. Brian Oinks

    Brian Oinks That's Mr. Pig to you Boy! :) Highly Rated Poster

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    Negros Oriental - Near to Zamboanguita ;)
    +1,535 / 727
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    I agree wholeheartedly regards the Vitamin thing here! IF they eat a balanced diet then there is NO NEED for vitamins unless they have some sickly ailment! I have refused point blank to take anymore Vitamins my Wife keeps trying to stuff into me and I am trying to get her to look at forcing the daughter into eating MORE healthy vegetables and LESS Rice! The wife was terrible embarrassed when the PUBLIC SCHOOL diagnosed our Daughter as malnourished and anemic because she did not measure up to their graph! ARRGGHH!! :rage: I went through this BS back in Oz back in the 90's when our Son was undersize according to School Graphs and we were forced to take him to a Pediatrician to look at giving him growth hormones so he would be 'normal'... I REFUSED and TF I did as it later turned out as it was later linked to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) so I would have in effect given him a death sentence!

    Sorry but my 2 cents;
    Children SHOULD eat a balanced Diet of Vegetables and Meat for Protein, Fruits and drink lots of water AFTER their meal not before and during as it fills them up too quickly! The Daughter here eats Rice, TOO MUCH RICE! The other thing I have done is stopped them eating the fat from Pork! too many bad habits form early in age, I have friends back in Oz who's children did not know what to do with a normal meal of Meat & Vegetables I shared with my children as all they ever ate was take-away and those kids were terribly obese and ADD/ADHD from the sh*t they pushed down their throats!


    Oh and my Brother was a Chronic Asthmatic spending the first few years of his life mainly in Hospital, one day a Naturopath told my Mother to take him to the Salt water (River/Sea) and find someone who could teach him to swim as it would strengthen his lungs and the salt is better than Asthma medications, within a couple of years there was no looking back! He went on to become a professional Fisherman and Skipper and never suffers from Asthma anymore, he was probably 8 or 10 when he was last sick from it.

    With my second Wife and the boys being Mama's boys getting/doing what they wanted, meant some very bad behaviour, after a long period with Pediatricians etc we went down the ADD/ADHD route and following what was in the books, we changed their diet from Junk Foods/ Red Foods/ Over-ripe Fruits etc that are high in sugar and the change in their behaviour was nothing short of a miracle! The sh*t you get in packaged Foods today is I believe a BIG PART of the problem!

    Get back to basics like we once lived, FRESH Vegetables FRESH Meat More Water instead of Sodas etc... A lot of this seems to be the New Epidemic, when I went to School there were maybe TWO Fat kids in the whole of Primary and High School, look today and TRY and find the SKINNY KID! :o o:
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  9. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    I don't see where they broke down the type of death by country. I see an example of a two idiots (or possible drunks) that didn't know how to drive jet-skis. Thailand didn't make them stupid or kill them, not knowing how to safely operate a jet-ski did that. How many of the "accidents" had alcohol and motor vehicles in the mix? I don't consider accidents involving alcohol as "accidents"....but maybe the Thai government does.

    Thailand didn't make Aussies old or kill them by natural causes (blame time for that).

    "Illness" is a pretty broad term. How are they recording these illnesses? Elderly people dying of things that wouldn't kill a younger healthier person?

    Missing persons? How many wanted to go missing? Asia is a great place to get lost if you want. I'm sure there are some that were snatched up but....

    In jail overseas? Stop overstaying your visas, getting in bar fights, doing/transporting drugs and raping little kids. Pretty easy to not get arrested with a bit of common sense.

    I bet if they required an IQ test before letting people travel abroad these numbers would go down drastically.
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  10. ex231

    ex231 DI Member

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    Check out Tierra Alta. Pretty good food and beautiful view. 3 years ago I think it was about $500 for the venue, food for 50, and they threw in a free room.
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