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  1. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Aside from my teen and military years, for the most part, I have always been into wines, rather than beers. Living in US, Europe, Australia, and Philippines I have always found and enjoyed affordable wines. Moving to Dumaguete from Makati 12 years ago, it was painful not to find enjoyable wines. However, the last few years have been a huge improvement in wine offerings. I bounce around between the mall, Sofia's, and Blairs to find red (cabernet, merlot, shiraz) wines I enjoy. I primarily select Australia wines. What I call premiums go for P800+ and there are 5 brands I look for, but there are plenty of more affordable wines in the P500 range that are not bad, and about 5-6 brands I choose from, especially toward the end of the month when the wine budget is running out. Sometimes I have my own wine and cheese night with cheese from Belcris or Why Not.
    Life is good.
    Note: many Australia wines have screw tops and as one-handed man I don't have to go through the process of my wife opening the cork.
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    Last edited: Apr 23, 2022
  2. DAVE1952

    DAVE1952 DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I don't know.
    Rabbitton is a small animal farm, we went there on Sunday as a family of 4, two adults two children, P450 entry fee for the 4 of us with a P50 discount for me being an old Fart, you get a dedicated guide to show you around, which takes about an hour, there they have Rabbits, Chickens with many being fancy breeds, Turtles and Sheep, they have a horse there and a short 5min ride on this is P30, after the tour they show you to a Bahay Kuba to give a complimentary drink there was a menu there and we ordered some lights bites, the food is nothing special but not bad either for the price, Pizza is around p180, Burger P130 a large brewed Coffee is P40, so not at all bad all things considered, we come away with 3 Rabbits as Pets, one of them was won on an Easter Egg Hunt, the other two were P400 each, the children had a great day.
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  3. Dutchie

    Dutchie DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    It might be common knowledge and not new, but I found out only today.
    If/when your Filipina GF/Asawa/other family members wish to apply for a Schengen visa, they do not need to show up in person at VFS (the visa service organisation) in person IF they applied for a Schengen visa in person less than 59 months ago already and had their fingerprints and picture taken at that occasion.
    In that situation, you can then use the services of an agent to apply.
    Saves a lot of money and hassle I would assume, not having to fly to Manila, stay at hotel etc.
    So next time I'll bring the family to Europe (hopefully next year) the visa application should hopefully be a lot smoother.
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  4. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    "According to data from the ZOE COVID Study, fully vaccinated people now make up nearly 30 percent of positive cases and so it’s critical to be aware of the symptoms of Covid after vaccination," said Professor Tim Spector, lead scientist on the ZOE COVID Study app.

    He continued: "Our data shows post-vaccination infections are much more like a cold than the flu, with the top symptoms being runny nose, headache, sneezing, sore throat and loss of smell.

    It’s estimated there are currently 15,309 new daily symptomatic cases in fully vaccinated people in the UK, cases in this group have been rising steadily for the last week and now make up 29.4 percent of the total new daily cases.
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  5. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Knowing that some members enjoy science (whilst a few would shove it up my arse given the chance :smile: ) here are two items of interest I came across today:

    Astronomers see galaxies in ultra-high definition


    "Astronomers have captured some of the most detailed images ever seen of galaxies in deep space. They are in much higher definition than normal and reveal the inner workings of galaxies in unprecedented detail.

    The images are of the radio waves emitted by the galaxies. Researchers often study the radio waves from astronomical objects rather than the visible light they give off because it enables them to see things that would otherwise be blocked by the Earth's atmosphere or dust and gas in faraway galaxies. Many regions of space that are dark to our eyes, actually burn brightly in the radio waves they give off. This allows astronomers to peer into star-forming regions or into the heart of galaxies.

    What is new is that the team has dramatically improved the resolution of radio images by linking together more than 70,000 small antennae spread across nine European counties."

    Black hole.png

    The picture below shows two galaxies colliding. the bright spot on the one on the left is caused by exploding stars - creating what is effectively a galactic wind - blowing dust and gas away from it.


    US lab stands on threshold of key nuclear fusion goal:


    A US science institute is on the verge of achieving a longstanding goal in nuclear fusion research. The National Ignition Facility uses a powerful laser to heat and compress hydrogen fuel, initiating fusion.

    An experiment suggests the goal of "ignition", where the energy released by fusion exceeds that delivered by the laser, is now within touching distance.

    Harnessing fusion, the process that powers the Sun, could provide a limitless, clean energy source.

    As a measure of progress, the yield from this month's experiment is eight times NIF's previous record, established in Spring 2021, and 25 times the yield from experiments carried out in 2018.

    "The pace of improvement in energy output has been rapid, suggesting we may soon reach more energy milestones, such as exceeding the energy input from the lasers used to kick-start the process," said Prof Jeremy Chittenden, co-director of the Centre for Inertial Fusion Studies at Imperial College London.

    [But still a long way to go].

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  6. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Canceled so Pfizer vaccinations can continue tomorrow at the Dgte Sports Complex
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  7. charlyB

    charlyB DI Senior Member

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    This is a heads up for newcomers to the Philippines as expats who have been here a while would or should already know this.
    How to lose friends in the Philippines is simple LEND THEM MONEY because they will not pay it back and if you ask them to pay it back that's when YOU are becoming unreasonable, a strict foreigner, rich when they are poor and all the other things that are said.
    Its happened to me twice both times with relations of my wife who were actually friends.
    1st time was a female cousin, a hard working woman in her 50s no husband and one married daughter with a husband and they both have good jobs, the cousin had a motorbike crash and was in hospital about to get an operation, when the daughter found out the cost she instructed the mother be moved (with a broken leg) to a cheaper hospital, i said to my wife just lend her the money to get it done, all good the daughter thanked us and even asked for more money for another operation for her mother, i said ok, that was well over a year ago and only 30% of what we lent has been paid back and we don't seem to be so friendly anymore.
    2nd time, you might think once bitten twice shy but this time was a completely different situation although it was again a female cousin (seems to be a trend here) this woman was married to an American and flew in from the US without him to throw her family here a lifeline by starting a business for them to run , at the time we had a car to sell and she wanted to buy it, i gave her a good price and she wanted to pay it over 12 months, 1st payment no problem then the trouble starts, when asked why the second payment is missing she reveals that the purchase is between her and 6 siblings and now their turn to pay, to cut a long story short the most of the money was paid with maybe a few thousand short after lots of phone calls and unfriending on facebook.
    By the way when the woman went back to US the business failed and the car was broken.
    But lesson learned and no matter what the sob story the ATM is permanently closed to everyone.
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  8. john boy

    john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    Imagine trying to learn English and it's expressions how hard it must be for foreigners.
    Here's a few expressions.......
    Ever wondered why Funerals starts with Fun!
    If money doesn't grow on trees why call banks branches?
    If a Vegetarians eat vegetables, what do Humanitrians eat?
    How do you get off a Non-Stop flight!
    Why are goods sent by ships called Cargo and those sent by truck called Shipment ?
    How come Noses run and Feet smell?
    A 100 years ago everyone travelled by horses 0nly the rich had cars,
    today everyone has cars and only the rich own horses!.......Just a thought
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  9. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Just had take out Supreme Pizza. Delicious but so big I could only eat 2 pieces. Added my own jalapeños
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  10. Crystalhead

    Crystalhead ADMIN Admin ★ Forum Moderator ★ ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ ★★ Forum Sponsor ★★ ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    +2,023 / 1,093
    Located a stone throws from (Why Nots) About everyone knows (Gerry's)
    - Ate there the 1st time today and ordered a Soup bowl filled with (Lami)< which was the name of the item. Besides that I ordered the Chicken Skewers. When the 2 orders came I removed the skewers and tossed all the Chicken and Vegetables from the Skewers into the (Lami bowl) and I have often done such things as to combine orders. Anyways.....It was FANTASTIC!!!! Basically the best (Chunky Chicken Noddle Vegetable, Soup) I have ever enjoyed . The texture of the (Lami) was like a sweet and sour soup, but with out the sweet and sour. BBQ Chicken from the skewers along with some onions and mushrooms really brought it all together. Can't wait to have it again and the Wife loved it as well. I (besides an early Military career) was a Banquet and Beverage Captain for 18 years. It has allowed me to combine some of the Worlds best foods working in either Convention Centers or Luxury Hotels. Hope someone out there tries this combination and goes away with the satisfaction the Wife and I left with. So Kudo's out to Gerry's @welldeserved

    The Lami order has a couple Prawns in it, just to know if you do have allergies to Sea-Foods.
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