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  1. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    I like the notion of shooting known drug dealers and arresting politicians involved in the trade. If 90% of the shootings and arrests are accurate, I will take the other 10% as collateral damage to cover the ones who robbed my house. FU bad guys.
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  2. alex

    alex DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    PH military launch airstrikes against Abu Sayyaf
    Posted on July 6, 2016
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    Air and artillery, along with troops from Joint Task Group Basilan, are now pounding an Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) enclave at Punoh Amirul in Barangay Baguindan, Tipo-Tipo, Basilan.

    The military offensive started on Sunday, Western Mindanao Command (WESMINCOM) spokesperson Major Filemon Tan said.

    A series of airstrikes and artillery fires were delivered by military troops, targeting more or less 150 ASG members under Furuji Indama and Isnilon Hapilon.

    No casualties was reported on the government side as of this press time while the number of killed and wounded in the bandit side is still to be determined.

    Since Sunday, troops of the 18th Infantry Battalion situated in Barangay Magcawa, Albarka have been engaging in a series of armed confrontation with the group of Indama, while being backed by 3rd Air Division personnel.

    Focused military operations are currently being intensified in all efforts of the military to neutralize the ASG based in the province of Basilan.

    In Sulu, troops continue to operate in an area where kidnap victim Kjartan Sekkingstand is known to be located.

    “As to the report that the kidnap victim will be beheaded anytime, we cannot confirm or deny that. The troops of the Joint Task Force Sulu continue to conduct focused military operations
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  3. shakey

    shakey DI Member Veteran Navy

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    This Sunday 7/10/2016 is the annual Nutri-Fit Walk starting at two locations by 6 AM which will have upwards of a thousand walkers Politicians, schools, businesses and bands.

    On the map the BLUE route will be from Bethel and the RED route will be from Flores Avenue with both groups converging in Freedom Park by about 9 or 9:30 AM. Assembly at both starting locations starts at 5:00 AM with the walk starting about 6:30.

    If you are coming into town from the North before 630 turn left at St. Paul and shift over to Airport RD/Hibbard/Perdices. From the South stay on the highway and continue to Locsin before turning right toward the Boulevard. You will have to find parking on the side streets and walk to your favorite breakfast place. The Al Fresco dining areas along the Boulevard will provide a good view while enjoying a coffee or a breakfast buffet at Why Not.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 9, 2016
  4. Gabrielle_K

    Gabrielle_K DI Forum Adept Showcase Reviewer

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    A friend of mine was telling some stories yesterday and revealed that when he was 5yo he and his family were evacuated from Negros by submarine mid-WWII, and taken to Australia! Evidently because someone in the family was a US citizen.

    He does't remember a lot of it because he was so young, but he was told later that there were DON'T TOUCH signs all over the inside of the sub.

    They met the sub near Bayawan somewhere, and were depth charged along the way to Oz because the captain of the sub was still hunting Japanese ships during the trip...

    The US didn't bill the family for that but they did charge them for the boat trip from Oz to USA 6 mos later..

    He's the guy that owns the building Pasta King is in. Some of you may know him
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  5. Gabrielle_K

    Gabrielle_K DI Forum Adept Showcase Reviewer

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    I finally figured out what's been wrong with my Moon fajita experience. While the first fajita wrap on the 3 per order was tasty enough, my happiness went down hill as I'd eat the next two.

    I recently realized the fancy hot sizzling cast iron platter they are served on is over-cooking the chicken and veggies as they sit in front of you. Which yields tough meat and reduced sauce that's too thick and bleh after the minutes tic by.

    So about a month ago I had them serve it on a regular plate, with the sauce on the side and TA-DAH-instant satisfaction throughout the entire meal!

    A huge improvement.

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  6. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    :o o: Given this really Hot Weather, as one would expect my Electric Bill is Quite high due to the A/C"s running more than usual. So After coming back from my break on Siquijor I was not well for some time, In all, I missed on 3 Outings I would have gone to in that time and at a conservative count saved some 1.700 peso which more than covered the Extra I needed to pay for Electric. Just goes to show that even given the cheapness ( At times of Living here and Socializing) We can if needed tighten out belts a little and stopping Home a couple of Days can save us some cash.
    Maybe not a Topic for everyone to join in but just my thoughts on how to cope sometimes when we are on a fixed Income.
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  7. charlyB

    charlyB DI Senior Member

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    Yesterday Robinsons department store lost a sale (shock horror) how can this be you may ask, the story is that when i found something i wanted to buy the serving girl took me to the cash register queue of around 10 people and when i asked if there was another cash register in use she said no, i told her ok i will just come back later (which really meant i am off and will probably never buy that now)
    I would like to suggest that Robinsons take some of the multitude of servers who stand beside you when looking at stuff and say socks sir when you are looking at socks or t shirt sir if you are looking at t shirts and train them up to take money at cash registers.
    I have never run a business so maybe my suggestion is way out of line but i think like most businesses here unless Mr Robinson is actually there the servers don't care if they sell things or not because their crappy salary is the same whatever the outcome. :sorry:
    Every cloud has a silver lining though as i did not waste money on something i could obviously live without :cigar:
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  8. GBorba

    GBorba DI Junior Member

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    Been lurking for some time but decided to come "out off the closet" and say hello.

    I married my lovely Cebuana almost 30 years ago and we have lived most of that time near Augusta Georgia where I worked as an engineer at a Federal nuclear site. We have two grown children: a son who lives with his wife near Nashville, TN and a daughter who lives with her husband in Wellington, New Zealand.

    After over 27 years working for the Federal government I retired with my last day on the rolls was April 30, 2016. About one week earlier, I got the 13(a) visa from the Philippine Embassy in Washington DC; they got the application from FedEx on a Monday afternoon and by that Friday it was done and at our house - wow!

    Our plan is to do a "living in the Philippines" trial for about two years to verify we can adapt to the heat and humidity (living in the Southern USA should be a help), and weigh the good and bad living in the Philippines to see if this is something we want to do more permanently and, if not, return to our house in Georgia. My wife was born and raised in Cebu but after nearly 30 years living in the USA she has gotten used to the cooler weather!

    Now for the ready, set and go ....

    Ready: Just retired, got the 13(a) visa and our passports.

    Set: Getting the house ready to rent and selling stuff we are not planning to store. Get some Balikbayan boxes readied to ship when we get a more permanent apartment or home rental.

    Go! Got the tickets, a hotel to stay near the BOI, a ride to take us to Dumagute and a short-term rental in Dumaguete to find something more permanent.

    Gary and Jackie Borba
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  9. Dave & Imp

    Dave & Imp DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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