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  1. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    I have made several changes to the forum rules due to recent issues I have been seeing. These changes are mainly concerning the Showcase section of the website. Here are the changes:

    I have said most of this before elsewhere on the forum so none of this should come as any surprise. The only change to really take note of is how businesses are allowed to advertise and promote their business on the website:

    All business listings, advertising and promotional posts MUST be made in, and only in, the Showcase section. When creating a Showcase item a forum thread will automatically be created in the appropriate forum sub-forum. The thread linked to a showcase thread is for general discussion about the business and also provide a place for businesses to reply to customer discussions (not to post promotional posts). All businesses are allowed to make one (1) promotional post per month in the Showcase comment section.

    I will create a notice about this update on the forum so that everyone will see these changes.
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  2. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    This one will be interesting. As technology reduces the need for @ss in seats, call center jobs are going to get hit hard. Call centers are one of the few industries (like manufacturing) which can employ a large number of people to handle relatively simple jobs.

    The article describes how people can adapt, but it's describing a specialization which can only work for fewer number of workers. This is how tech reduces jobs. People have to adapt and move higher up the skills ladder. They have to figure out how to spot opportunities which are up for grabs in the changing landscape. Unfortunately, this is difficult for most people to do. Just look at the businesses lined up along any street here, they are all the same.

    While the Philippines might be able to adapt by throwing more technology at the problem. This will only further inequality. Money may still trickle in, but that money will employ less people. As China becomes less viable for manufacturing because of rising wages and other factors, the Philippines may grab some of those jobs. But tech is set to destroy manufacturing jobs as well.

    In other threads we have talked about why the Philippines should be open to expats. This is a good reason why. The Philippines needs a consumer class to generate domestic demand and move past exporting cheap labor. While expats may not have much money, they are still a consumer class. They still generate demand for goods and services which the bottom can't afford. Expats aren't looking for handouts and social benefits. Maybe the Philippines should make our stay here easier.

    Tricky times ahead for everyone, especially the Philippines.
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  3. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Just noticed it's been a little over a year since the switch to the new forum software. Here are the monthly stats since the software changeover back in October of last year.

    Blue line is how many overall posts there were per month.
    Orange line is how many threads started per month.
    Light Blue is how many users were active per month.


    The totals for this one year period are:
    Total Posts: 23,793
    Total Threads: 6,945

    Some History On DI
    @The Dane made the first post to DI more than 9 years ago back in October of 2006. The forum has changed hands a few times since and I took over the forum from @shadow back in September of last year.

    DI hit both 10,000 threads and 100,000 posts in June of last year. (We've added more than 7k threads and 28k posts in a little more than a year!)

    I'm very pleased with the steady upward trend in these stats and forum activity and want to say "thanks" to all the members who help keep this board active, friendly, inviting and useful to people looking for information about Dumaguete and the Philippines. Without the collective knowledge of the members here this forum would not be possible. Many thanks to all the members here on DI! :thumbsup:
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  4. expatron

    expatron DI Forum Patron

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    To stay in line with this thread I have a new story.

    A good American friend travels back and forth by boat and buss to Cebu at least once per month. A few days ago he was loaded down with bags of stuff and heavy tools, after he arrived at the Sibulan port he realized he lost his wallet on the fast craft, frantically he forced his way back on the boat loaded and ready for departure in a panicked state. Not one person would raise their head because of his panicked loud voice and body movements.

    The next day on his return he heard a lady's voice calling Sir Sir! As he turned around she came running up with a plastic bag with his wallet (she recognized him from his drivers license pic), everything including his cash was there!!! His heart almost stopped.... She said a young man had found it and was too shy to speak up, but turned it in to the boat crew and went on his way.

    Although, I just lost my cell phone through an unknown hole in my pocket and it hasn't come back, I also have had several positive situations dealing with very honest people.....
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  5. bootlegger

    bootlegger DI Member

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    Ate at Alex Pizzeria yesterday on third floor of Lee Plaza on recommendations from here. Both my daughter & I found it was way below average, overpriced(for what it was), dry, tasteless, low cost ingredients, reheated in an oven toaster. Never again.
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  6. ShawnM

    ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force

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  7. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    Well this is one of those movements that take on a life on their own and nothing can stop it. Now that several councilors are involved saying that they have the power to get foreigners deported, they have taken over a situation that has long bothered them for some reason. Now we notice that even parking violations show disrespect of the sort that should get you kicked out! I would be cautious of the growing anti-foreigner sentiment that seems to be taking over. Again, government officials are saying this stuff. Media compliantly agrees. And even foreigners here agree. Ever park your bike or car illegally? And btw it does matter how foreigners, the legal ones, behave in my own country. Because you know what, it isn’t the fact that people are foreign, whether we here are spending too much money raising prices or they are there taking advantage of our free services and taking our low paying jobs from our lower classes, people are the same everywhere. No matter who we are or where we are from, just look at people as individuals, not as foreigners but as people. We all have our idiots but on both sides we make our host countries much better and even make it possible for them to survive. Whether in the US, EU or ANZ or the Philippines, it is ignorant to single out foreigners for special disciplinary treatment.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  8. OzeMike

    OzeMike DI Forum Adept

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    It's good to see robust discussion again on the group. It would be a boring old world if we were all the same. Respect and politeness seem in short supply in this messed up world but I believe we need to personally hang on to these traits to stop us becoming completely unglued.

    I don't write much as the older I get I realize the Philippines runs to the beat of its own cultural drum....nothing changes quickly here its the way the big families and companies want to keep it...with the support of the Catholic Church. It's all about family survival for the Filipinos which is why so many want to move overseas for the future opportunities it brings to the family.

    As an expat of 20 years here, one lost house and 2 wives and one defacto wife later I made nearly every mistake in the ex-pat book lol but it has been a fantastic journey one I wouldn't have missed!

    We privately and some publicly, moan about the frustrations of living here but the pluses out do the negatives for most of us...plus most have an amazing Filipina partner the very best thing the Philippines has to offer in my book.

    We are all at different stages on our journey through life living here.

    I wish each and ever member a Merry Christmas and hope 2024 brings good luck, health and happiness. Cheers!
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  9. danbandanna

    danbandanna DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Here are some takeaways....

    1. You must have a "one health pass" when entering or re-entering the Philippines but I could not complete my "vaxcert" online because after numerous attempts I could not get them to update my 2nd shot and my booster shot so I lied and checked that box anyway. So when they scanned my page they sent me to another desk and I produced my vax card and no problem.

    2. IF you are married to a Filipino then you do not need an Insurance policy or a onward ticket.. but you must carry your marriage license with you at check in when getting your boarding pass. I had no problem with Cebu Pacific ..

    3. They have a testing facility at Terminal 3 that will furnish you with a "rapid test" good for 24 hrs. if you leave and return within that time frame... cost 600 peso and result in 30 min or less. If you stay longer in Singapore like I did (missed my return flight) they have the same facility but cost is 1000 peso with same time frame on result.

    The whole trip has become too tiring with too many lines as I am getting older and have less patience with authority :smile: so my mission this next year will be to finally get my 13a

    hope this helps
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    Last edited: Apr 11, 2022