And yes they should have spared the child. That being said it's pretty obvious that the child could have identified the killer/s and such had to be dispatched at the same time as the parents. Been reading all here and also several newspaper accounts of what happened (real or imagined). The reoccurring statement is that he was an advocate of no dynamite fishing and coral destruction. It is quite widely known that the dynamite fishing and disregard for the coral is exchanged for food to feed the masses. Long before Giovanni came here and (unfortunately) after him this practice will continue and be accepted as a way of life/survival in certain areas of the country.
IMHO..... pick your causes carefully, do not p*ss off the locals who have run the area you are in for decades and regardless of your personal convictions think of the ramifications to your loved ones before you go out on a 1 man crusade against what you deem to be wrong with parts of this country..
Best Posts in Forum: Expat Section
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- Thread: malignant melanoma
mokum DI Senior Member
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- Amlan, brg, Silab.
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Biopsy of the slap turned out good, no spreading so now I have to go for regular lymph node controle and try to get my foot back in shape.
Total cost incl previous treatments/tests about P 200,000 whereof Phil Health covered P 36,000.-
Informative x 7
- Thread: Why we leave
I leave for the Philippines to live in 10 days so my prospective is from someone going to live there. Last year I was at the end of my marriage and I knew a change was needed. I made the decision to live closer to the ocean. I looked into Florida but the costs are too high for my meager pension. I looked into Mexico, Panama, Ecuador but didn't find anything on the internet that suited me. I've always liked Asian women and wanted to visit Thailand . Thailand's visa situation didn't look good so I looked at Cambodia next, I read somewhere it's the most landmined country in the world so no thank you. Vietnam didn't feel right because of the war even though I joined the military after the war in 1979. When I found out the Philippines had 7,107 islands and spoke English I wanted to try it. Then I found out about the girls being willing to date older men I said bonus. I'm 55 and dating a filipina who is 47. So I'm not interested in 20 year old girls but to each their own. A 3 month test run convinced me to try living in the Philippines. I will take a one month vacation in Japan before heading to Dumaguete. That's my boring story of why I'm moving there.
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Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force
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- Northern Junob, Dumaguete City
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- +5,232 / 1,090
It's all Ok until it is the same little tribe every night, now that can get just a tad tiresome Every one around here gets well looked after at Christmas but the Push Push can get so very.....................
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- Thread: Partner is separated in fact
Hiding the fact he was married a second time (or never mentioning it) is not a good sign. I know a private investigator in the Philippines....but if you are willing to go that route you might as well just end the relationship. 9 times out of 10 you are going to find something you won't be able to deal with.
Get your CRBA paperwork finished before you do anything or ask any more questions. Getting that done with an unwilling parent is a major pain in the @ss. I just went through this with my gf and her kid with a completely worthless American - "Marv Butson" on Facebook. You don't want to deal with a POS like that. After you have your kids passport and SSN in hand then you can start asking the hard questions.-
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- Thread: Exit Plans
A huge component in the freedom you feel is a lack of enforcement. There are lots of laws, but little enforcement. The U.S. feels less free because the U.S. has the resources to enforce laws. The U.S. even has the resources to hound people overseas for not filing tax returns and to hit foreign banks with fees for not reporting accounts for U.S. residents.
I'm thinking what happens in Manila largely stays in Manila. For example, last I checked, poker was regulated by the state owned PAGCOR, which has a monopoly on gambling in the Philippines. In Dumaguete, none of the poker games have licenses with PAGCOR as far as I know. The games that do exist are allowed to run at the whim of the big wigs here. If you are messing with someone else's cheese, then you will get a phone call. PAGCOR enforces these regulations in Manila. Outside of Manila, it's anything goes unless you are doing something big enough to attract attention.
This is a cycle you can't get away from. Politicians create laws. Resources enable the politicians to enforce these laws. As long as the Philippines is resource starved, then these laws won't get enforced.
Of course, the above issue is also on Duterte's agenda. I believe part of the reason he wants to get rid of congress is so that he can setup a system which will give more power to regions outside Manila. As it stands, Manila is the ivory tower collecting rent from the rest of the nation. He wants to end corruption, which is part of the problem for lack of resources.
If you don't live in Manila, you won't be bothered by these laws.-
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- Thread: Foreigner in hit and run?
Dave_Hounddriver DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster
I sometimes feel like all foreigners stick together and actually believe that other foreigners can do no wrong.
For me, I have seen a lot of foreigners who are horrible drivers. I have no trouble believing that a foreigner could be involved in a hit and run. None whatsoever.
Not saying it happened that way, but I'd sure keep an open mind to the possibility.-
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This is the most pertinent information I can find for travel to/from Manila
The article does not mention any required documents to leave Dumaguete on a flight to Manila, and also the Cebu Pacific website doesn't mention any required documentation (they do have requirements about wearing mask/faceshield en advice for checking in ).
However, for your return trip from Manila, Dumaguete has requirements,
The City’s Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases again reminds that every person whose ultimate destination is Dumaguete City must comply with the requirements before purchasing a plane ticket to include:
1. Medical Clearance Certificate issued by the City/Municipal Health Office of the place of origin
2. Travel Authority issued by the JTF CV Shield (PNP)
3. Negative RT-PCR test result (Valid 72 hours after test result release date)
4. Certificate of Acceptance from the City of Dumaguete
5. And to undergo 14-day quarantine upon arrival in a facility designated for the purpose.
It would seem smart to get item 4. even before traveling to Manila. If you can only apply for 4. after having 1, 2 and 3, then I would count on an extended stay in Manila-
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Last edited: Sep 16, 2020 -
- Thread: What brought you here?
I was working and living in Makati. Went through a divorce with an Asian/American wife. Decided to retire to minimise the divorce settlement. Then had a crazy relationship with a filipina trophy girl which drove me crazy. Decided to recover for a year diving at Apo but fate led me to meet my to-be wife/mountain girl while here and was smitten by the difference from a city girl and a simple mountain girl. And lived happily ever after.
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- Thread: Welcome back
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