A year or so ago when we were getting our cabinets built for the upstairs dirty kitchen there were 4 little pups in a cage at the entrance to the lumber yard. As a dog person and also not a huge fan of caging dogs, there was a runt of the litter that I took to. She was trying so hard to get past her bigger siblings to say "hi" and lick my finger when I put it through the cage.
Tried to get the owner to give her to us, even offered to buy her but he said they were promised to family. I went back to work in Korea but the wife kept asking about the pup. For whatever reason, one day his worker delivered her to the house.
A great little dog (as many know we have larger dogs) and was quickly the most spoiled or at least as spoiled as our husky. One thing we debated on was what her mix was. The only thing we were told was that the mother was a Japanese Spitz mix. I was convinced with her attitude and such she had to be part Chihuahua.
I ordered a DNA test from the US and when I was home last month we did the cheek swab and once back to Korea I sent it in. It is so difficult to look at a mix dog and try to determine the lineage.
Got the results back the other day and she came up as 62.5% Mini Pinscher, 12.5% Japanese Spitz, 12.5% Pekingese and 12.5% breed group. The breed group included Terrier group (which Chihuahua is a part of), Companion group and Asian group.
The only questions asked by this company was weight (she's under 5lb) and where the dog is located. Nothing about what we may have thought about any breed info.
I thought it was interesting to get this checked out and well worth the cost and time.
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- Thread: Dog DNA
ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force
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- 1,527
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- 371
- Occupation:
- Senior Construction Manager
- Location:
- Okinawa/Tanjay
- Ratings:
- +1,780 / 219
- Blood Type:
- A-
- Thread: Car Parts
To all those members with a Korean car, can I recommend a parts supplier in Manila. The company is: VGT KOREAN AUTO PARTS. They are on FB and can be contacted though Messenger or by mobile onr
0917 820 3463. The process is simple, agree the part you need, pay into their Metrobank Account. Send copy of deposit to them through Messenger and within an hour they will send back a copy of the Airway bill. I have used them twice, the first order arrived the next day and the second after two days, due to my lateness in send the deposit slip. Each time the bill was half the cost of the part through Hyundai or a local supplier. Knowledgeable staff and great customer service. 5 out of 5.-
Informative x 6
Last edited: Feb 19, 2019 -
- Thread: Happy Saturnalia!
I'm getting very tired of all the "Merry Christmas, po"s that are constantly bestowed upon me. They just do not sound very sincere to me. So this year I'm celebrating the ancient Roman pagan holiday of Saturnalia, from which Christmas Day was actually derived (the Baby Jesus was not really born on December 25, 1A.D.).
In the spirit of Saturnalia, I offer up some of my favorite images from the last couple of weeks, in case you haven't been paying attention to the sky.
Have a great Saturnalia!-
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Thanks x 1
- Thread: Bees
Hi All
If anyone has any issues with bees and want them collected from your place, feel free to PM me and we will do our best to come and get them out for you, no charge.
Please do not kill them, the world bee population is declining rapidly due to poisons, we will give them a good home ..
Something a little unique that you might encounter is a very small bee .. these are usually stingless and will not hurt you at all, and if they are not destroying anything, you can leave them alone and watch their activities, their honey is absolutely delicious , if you have a hive and decide to keep it, I will point you to some material on line that will help you ..
If anyone wants any help or advice on Bees and Bee removal, please free free to PM me here or drop an email to pangitpilot@gmail.com. Photos of the location, and a closeup of the bee in question will help a lot, especially if we have to travel a long way ..
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