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    KINGCOLE DI Senior Member Highly Rated Poster

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    Love poached eggs on toast with pepper and salt

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  2. Stefan_Negros

    Stefan_Negros DI Forum Adept

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    Dave, it´s crystal clear what you intended to achieve and it is also clear to me that your general opinion is not only black or white when it comes to the Plilippines and its people. You know this country better than I do and you know how many brilliant people are around here.

    By the way, I don´t consider myself as stupid. But my wife is running the show here. She knows when to talk to whom in which tone and she is solving 99% of our issues in daily life. Our quality of life here in the Philippines is based on a certain financial power, but much more on her problem solving skills. That´s just fact. I can do a lot, but she can it do more easy, much better, much faster and she knows much better how to talk to people in case of conflicts.

    And also by the way, being stupid is one thing. I can deal with that. But being lazy, arrogant, rude and / or being a cheater is something I can hardly handle.
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  3. ShawnM

    ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force

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    Not everyone builds incorrectly...
    conv_9957.jpg conv_9973.jpg conv_9975.jpg conv_9976.jpg
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  4. Liverpool fan

    Liverpool fan DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I was in Santa Catalina fishing Dorado yesterday. Get one, lost one and lot of activity, high season to caught dorado just now. If anyone wants to go there, I have a number for a boatsman, his name is Joven 09355721173 best if your gf/wife or another person who speak Visayas call for you. it's small banka no high society haha. You can be 2 persons in a banka and if you are more, neighbors have boats too. I go with one of the neighbors today, he brings his 20 years old son, I'm sure he did that because he talks very well English.
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  5. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    As you get older your muscle protein synthesis becomes less efficient and body needs more protein to maintain and repair muscle damage. You should be eating more protein, not less...minus any medical issues. Diets heavy in protein are a good way to lose weight, upping your sugar and fat intake (to replace the protein) is the opposite of what most people should be doing. Refined sugars and alcohol get stored more readily as visceral fat (sugar and beer guts) and should be avoided. Nothing wrong with caffeine in moderation as long as you are drinking enough water and aren't loading your coffee up with sugar and dairy.

    At the end of the day it all comes down to calories in vs calories out. If you are in a caloric surplus you will gain weight, a deficit you will lose weight. All fad diets work on this premise...they just make different things "off-limits" (which is a horrible way to be consistent with a diet).

    IIFYM or "flexible dieting" is how I lost around 30kg over the course of about 4 months, and this is how I continue to go about my nutrition. Never once felt starved or deprived of a food I enjoyed.
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  6. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    I would not call the Philippines the land of the stupid, sounds insulting. Granted the IQ in the
    Philippines is in the 80's; however, that number represents half the people with an IQ that is lower than that and half the people with an IQ higher than that (the mean not the average). I would guess that those with the higher IQ would be close to the average of most western countries. Keeping in mind countries like Korea, Japan, Singapore and some other Asian countries have IQ's higher than western countries, it comes down to quality education and countries that can afford to pay for that. Philippines is obviously a very poor country and has not been able to put the necessary focus on education. Public education is poor at best but some private schools and universities provide an adequate education, for the few who can afford to attend. Slowly, improvements are being made. For example, 12 years of high school rather than 10, and computers in some schools. Hope is those here with the higher IQ's will assist in improving the economics and education in the Philippines so over time education will be much better than today.
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    Last edited: Dec 18, 2023
  7. danbandanna

    danbandanna DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    You will still be here tomorrow but your dreams may not ....
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  8. george

    george DI Member

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    The type of greenhouse I built is intended to prevent fruit flies, and few other types of insects, from getting to the plants. I think the main reason why most of the tomatoes you see for sale locally are green is that fruit flies don't attack them until they start to turn yellow/red. The covering of the greenhouse is only a fine mesh netting. It let's rain and wind in, but keeps the bugs out.
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  9. Happy Camper

    Happy Camper DI Senior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer

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    Uh, the new rules also allowed walking and some other things. But I know you are referring to restrictions on seniors.

    I am one, and I have been out a lot. Trust me, there are seniors all over, shopping, walking sitting around and no one is telling them to go home.

    Enjoy life. Go for a walk, have fun. We are getting closer to being back to normal.
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  10. RR_biker

    RR_biker DI Senior Member Veteran Marines

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    I agree some breeds like mentioned in the previous post, are more kids friendly than other dogs. I should not choose for a Terrier , Doberman or Rottweiler and the like. However for the safety of a 3 year old boy and the dogs, never leave them alone but @least one adult always around to keep an eye what's going on to avoid unsolicited action from both sides. A boy of that age does not have any idea what is wrong or right when playing and even a well known friendly dog can react unfriendly when he/she no longer accept some kind of behavior a harmless kid might do.
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