I am so mad about this!!! Freddy was all pissed up yesterday (starting on the blvd) and ending up near Hypermart at a local xpat bar. He was described as drunk as a skunk and the management kept serving him and taking his money. He was offered a free trike by a customer who did not know him. One of the owners was sitting at the bar and did nothing to stop the drinking or prevent him from leaving. The last time he was seen alive was when a waitress assisted him to his scooter and he turned up the hill towards Valencia. within a minute he was dead (possibly also the guy he hit) and all this could have been prevented.
3 times (twice when I had Garcia's and 6 weeks ago at my new place) I took his keys away and got him a trike. He always came back, apologized and thanks me. I don't care where his drinking started yesterday but it should have ended at the last place. You bar owners have an obligation to even make an attempt to stop him. And dont call me a hypocrite, I have paid the price for drinking and riding, and it made me a better bar owner when it comes to dealing with people who had too much.
And a final shame on all the people who keep sharing the pics of him lying on the highway with his brains leaking out. He has family that does not need to see this sh*t!!!!
RIP Freddy, I will remember you as you were 2 weeks ago when we had a beer here on the beach ...
Best Posts in Forum: In Memoriam
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- Thread: RIP Freddy
- Thread: Jellyfish R.I.P.
Jellyfish was a long time Dumaguete member with hundreds of contributions. He had many friends who I am sure miss him. He had many talents and was just a great guy. He attended my son's baptism party with many other forum members shortly before he was unfortunately killed in a hit-and-run motorcycle accident on south highway in November 2011.
May he rest in peace.-
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- Thread: RIP Phil Prins
- Thread: RIP Phil Prins
JUSTICE FOR PHIL: I am pleased to report that the Dumaguete PNP has identified suspects related to the Phil Prins murder. Due process IS in progress. This is considered a high priority investigation and is being processed in an expeditious and professional manner. They must however, adhere to Department protocol and the relevant law of the Philippines. The department has recently conducted a media release to inform those following this tragic event. Please allow the authorities do their job. I am confident that Justice for Phil will be attained. Phil's Lady Friend is requested to contact the PNP representative at her earliest convenience. Let's enter the New Year with renewed hope, Love and Peace in our hearts - as Phil would have wanted it. Dumaguete - remains "The City of Gentle People"
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- Thread: RIP Solid Pan
Glendazumba DI Forum Adept
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It is hard to be talking about the passing of a good person who called himself Solid Pan here in DI. He was a German national who had bypass surgery before deciding to live here in Dumaguete with his new-found family from Siaton.
I came to know him because he was one of those who signed up and stayed to learn Bisaya until middle of March this year. When COVID-19 was at its peak mid March, he suggested that we take a break for everyone's safety. Three months after on June 3 I received a text message from his partner that he passed away. It was devastating. I am writing this post for those who know him.-
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- Thread: RIP David Hairston
Let's keep these types of posts respectful and free from rumor and speculation. Paying respects is the only thing this section of the form is intended for, let's keep it that way.
Edit: Reply ban given. Completely unacceptable behavior. This is not a place for debates or arguments. Let this one go or it will be an immediate ban from the entire forum.-
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- Thread: Unconfirmed Foreigner Death
AndyG DI Member Admin ★ Forum Moderator ★ ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor
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Unfortunately Bart left many debts and Ritchel (his wife) is finding it very difficult indeed to come up with the money for the funeral.
There will be a very simple viewing at the Garden of Saint's funeral home in West Rovira Drive tomorrow (Thursday the 23rd of April, 2015) from around noon for about 24 hours.
(Garden of Saints - About - Google+
This will be followed by a cremation the following day.
If Bart owed you money, please give Ritchel some time before asking about it. She's hoping to rush sell a lot to pay off the funeral, bank loans, mortgages, rent arrears and personal debts.
Also please don't ask her to relive this horrific event by asking about how it happened, ask someone else.
Any donations at the viewing will of course be greatly appreciated.-
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john boy DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster
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View attachment upload_2023-5-28_21-33-50.png-
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- Thread: Australian Roger Passes
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- Thread: RIP Phil Prins
I think it was best said on FB:
"It is with great sadness that I say "Farewell" to a fallen warrior brother, Phil Prins. He expired at Silliman Medical Center this morning, 29 December, 2015 on his birthday.
He was an Army Scout, gulf war veteran and photo-journalist for Foundation University. Phil was murdered by several men outside a downtown Dumaguete bar Christmas."
I didn't know Phil personally but I would like to send my deepest condolences to his friends and families and I hope that Phil gets the justice he deserve.
(Let's all remember what this section of the forum is for. All posts here will need moderator approval before being publicly visible.)-
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