After 35 years living in the San Francisco Bay Area, and the past 5 years in Sedona, AZ, in just 11 short weeks we will be making our big move to our new house in the hills above Sibulan. I have been lurking on this forum for awhile, and enjoyed all the information on everything from health care and insurance and visas to where to get the best lechon. Finally decided it was time to sign up and say hello.
Best Posts in Forum: New Member Introductions
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- Thread: 11 Weeks and counting
- Thread: New Member Info
Now men in dresses, I guess you know it is called a Kilt? if ever you were to see the actions of these men in the Highland Games, you would have a bit more respect for them, just for fun they throw a 300lb Telegraph Pole, can chuck a 56lb hammer for 100yds, when it comes to running they race up and down a mountain, the Olympic games is not for them that is for fairies.
Education in Scotland was and perhaps still is the best in the world? for a small population of just over 5 million we have created, invented and discovered so many things, John Logie Baird TV, Alexander Bell Telephones, Alexander Fleming Antibiotics, James Bond another Scotsman, this list can go on and on and on.
One more thing that is not known to most Yanks is; before the War of Independence the British sent all their convicts and undesirables to both US and Canada, who helped to win that War a Scotsman John Paul Jones, The father of the American Navy.
Hoots Mon, Ye kin pit a' that in yer Pipe and Smoke it.-
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Last edited: Mar 19, 2021 -
Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer
No one replied with any suggestions about laptop repairs but I will outline my experience for those who may also be looking. I had a laptop with a dodgy charging socket due to me dropping it twice! I first e-mailed PC DOC but received no reply. Then I tried Net Solutions (near Lee Plaza) and after a cursory inspection I was told that new parts were not available. The computer is a Lenovo (quite common around here), only one year old and nothing indicated that any new parts were even required! I could not recommend this place. I then visited SST in Robinson's Mall, who said they could fix it and the fee would be P2000. They then said that as the computer was discharged (this was due to the problem with the charging socket) it would be another P2300 to "check the display". In my opinion that is nonsense; you fix the socket first and see if it charges..... there is no need to check the display unless you see it is not working AFTER the socket repair. I declined this total charge of P4300 and was thinking I might have to buy a new laptop! But then I discovered that going into Dumaguete I was always passing Algorithms but had not realised it. So I tried them. The young man I dealt with knew his business and I was able easily to explain the problem and two alternative solutions acceptable to me (the first was to repair the socket and if that was not possible the second was to make a new connection to the charging lead). he grasped that and, obviously, suggested they would try the socket repair first. They repaired it .... no problem of "cannot get parts" or "Also need to check the display for another P2300" ... they repaired it and charged me P850 (just under 25% of the fee asked by SST). I have not tried other repairers and some may be as good but I have NO HESITATION from personal experience in recommending ALGORITHMS and just wish I had gone there first (but at least I learned something about two other repairers ... and saved myself P3450).-
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- Thread: Another newbie....sort of.
Dclev DI New Member Blood Donor Veteran Air Force
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- Retired
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- Alabama, usa
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- A+
Hello to all, newbie here (sort of)
I have been following this site for
a little more than a year now and recently i got a msg i need to register
so, here i am. I post under Dclev, my name is Don. 58 yrs old and very interested in everything philippines !
I feel i have learned and gained a lot from this site and hope to get a chance to know or write to many of you on here. There are so many i follow. There has also been many times i wished i could reply or comment on subjects or maybe even answer some questions that i might have info on. So i owe you all a big thanx for info i have recieved and hope to pass it on.
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- Thread: Introduction
So my daily routine (I have a wife and son). Mon-Sat mornings gym in Dauin, Tue-Thur drop my boy off at Don Bosco, Mon-Wed-Fri afternoon boy's soccer practice at school, Saturday afternoon boy's karate training at Bambulo. most mornings after the gym home and search internet (USA Today, ESPN, check fantasy football, watch BBC news on TV, sandwich for lunch, wife makes chicken or fish for dinner, drink some wine and watch Netflix. go to town once a week, mainly Belcris and Sofia's. Life is good.
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Last edited: Sep 10, 2022 -
Here is how you deal with all the problems you are concerned with:
- Don't come here a broke @ss or live paycheck-to-paycheck. You need to have AT LEAST 1 year worth of living expenses saved up (12-50k USD depending on your expected living standards) and an additional 25-100k USD (depending on your age/medical condition) for emergency situations. (I personally won't have less than 30k USD for a year of living and 150k USD in savings for emergency situations...and I'm 33 with no medical conditions.)
- Buy several UPS (uninterrupted power supplies).
- Buy a generator that powers up automatically when the power shuts off. (100k+ pesos add 20k pesos a year for maintenance and fuel)
- Buy a business internet plan from an ISP (3-5k+ pesos/month)
If you can't do these things you very well could end up being one of those loser foreigners that has to borrow money that they never plans on paying it back just to survive (and there are a WHOLE lot of them in the Philippines). Don't come here thinking you are going to be Mr. "Big Money" or even that life is cheaper here. It is not, the same standard of living in the US will cost you double in the Philippines. If you choose to live it up you will not be doing that for long unless you have a lucrative profession or substantial savings account. You will not make sh*t for money working in the Philippines and you will end up going broke if you come without the proper financial backing (or a generous pension).
In the Philippines you need to prepare for failure to be able to succeed.-
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Hi all,
I just made a forum account. It doesn't have full access to messages yet but should very soon. Please send a private message. Also thanks for the advice about the tourist visas , I thought volunteer would be allowed - shame that it isn't. Well, there's no harm in chatting to a lady about cats right.thanks !
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- Thread: Cebuana moving to Valencia
Hello everybody! I joined this forum because my family is looking at moving from Australia to Dumaguete, in particular Valencia. Hopefully soon, once Covid is contained and travel restrictions lifted. I have joined this group hoping to find information and possibly meet some people when we arrive. My Husband joined this forum last year when we spent some time in Negros. I am Filipina and spent most of my life in Cebu but the last 6 years in Austraila were i met my wonderful husband.
Chat Conversation End
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- Thread: New member, not yet here !
English being not my mother tongue, please accept my apologies in advance
Have heard about this forum when I was in Dumaguete in 2016, it was not my first time in the Phils and I'm looking forward to come back asap for holiday, and for retirement in a relatively near future.
It's now about 2-3 years that I've used to read this forum, makes me feel a bit like in holiday and reminds me of the good times here.
I've decided to join as member so at least I can put some emoji as "ratings", see pics in full screen (especially the beautiful ones from "Dr Ski") and eventually put my 2 centavos !
Also in this special covid times, I've learned a lot of things concerning this virus by reading this forum (special thanks to "it's not my real name").
Oh! one last thing (finally !) ; I love to ride motorbike (especially 2 stroke, hence my nickname)... I like to ride on my own or with one or two friends I'm not a big fan of MC Clubs...just saying-
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- Thread: Hello. Ready, Set and Go!
Been lurking for some time but decided to come "out off the closet" and say hello.
I married my lovely Cebuana almost 30 years ago and we have lived most of that time near Augusta Georgia where I worked as an engineer at a Federal nuclear site. We have two grown children: a son who lives with his wife near Nashville, TN and a daughter who lives with her husband in Wellington, New Zealand.
After over 27 years working for the Federal government I retired with my last day on the rolls was April 30, 2016. About one week earlier, I got the 13(a) visa from the Philippine Embassy in Washington DC; they got the application from FedEx on a Monday afternoon and by that Friday it was done and at our house - wow!
Our plan is to do a "living in the Philippines" trial for about two years to verify we can adapt to the heat and humidity (living in the Southern USA should be a help), and weigh the good and bad living in the Philippines to see if this is something we want to do more permanently and, if not, return to our house in Georgia. My wife was born and raised in Cebu but after nearly 30 years living in the USA she has gotten used to the cooler weather!
Now for the ready, set and go ....
Ready: Just retired, got the 13(a) visa and our passports.
Set: Getting the house ready to rent and selling stuff we are not planning to store. Get some Balikbayan boxes readied to ship when we get a more permanent apartment or home rental.
Go! Got the tickets, a hotel to stay near the BOI, a ride to take us to Dumagute and a short-term rental in Dumaguete to find something more permanent.
Gary and Jackie Borba-
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