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Best Posts in Forum: Off-Topic Forum

  1. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    I tell myself every day above ground is a blessing, regardless of my situation. Be strong and never give up if there is a dark cloud above you. It will pass or you will.
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  2. Crystalhead

    Crystalhead ADMIN Admin ★ Forum Moderator ★ ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ ★★ Forum Sponsor ★★ ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    Just a quick update to the regulars and also a welcome to the newest Members of 2022. Would like to thank those Members that drop a report on posts that do not suit the Forum (we do know whom you are and @awesome job) Thank you for information, your humor and your logging in posting those new threads. If you know a wonderful place that you think deserves a (Showcase post) feel free to take the time and post your 1st Showcase Item. Explore the Gallery option as in this digital age almost all have some wonderful pictures of Dumaguete and surrounding areas. When a post allows tags...tag away as your posting will be found more readily. Thank yous out to the Admin: that does so much for little reward. All have fun out there. Best regards to all,
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  3. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    I guess most forums probably have 10% who get off criticising posts. Is it an envy vs. jealousy issue? Is it their own lives are so miserable and their pasts were no better? Are they stuck alone here with Rosy? Are they without assets? Are they perfect and can’t handle those they feel don’t meet their standards? Are they weaklings who hide behind their laptops? Maybe they are just complete ********.
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  4. grandpainak

    grandpainak DI Forum Patron Showcase Reviewer

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    It started on March 8, 2020. I hear wife screaming really loud out in the front yard and I remove my headset. She is screaming, “Jim SNAKE!”.By the time I get out there our Doberman has a very large Filipino Cobra in the corner of our fenced in front the yard and it is striking at the Doberman. I retrieve a shovel and by the time I get back the Cobra have moved north along the west wall and was going through a wire fence into the small garden along the west side of the house. I did get a very good look at it as it entered the garden. No doubt in my mind it was a full grown Cobra a good 7 or 8 feet long and about as big around as a tennis ball. I ran around the house because the gate into the garden is in the back yard. By the time I got in the garden the Cobra had escaped into the nabber’s yard and disappeared in the tall grass.
    Wife said that the snake was in the Lanzone tree and that the Doberman had jumped about 7 foot into the tree and snatched that Cobra out of the tree. The snake had a rat coiled and was in the process of eating it. The snake abandoned the rat meal and the two Rottweilers finished the rats off while the Doberman handled the snake.
    Now here is where the weird comes in. The very next day March 9th. the handy man was off but the house keeper was here. At about 09:00 the wife and the house keeper start screaming “SNAKE, the SNAKE IS BACK!!” I get there and I had a very hard time seeing it, it is in the very same Lanzone tree as the one the day before. I use the shovel to knock it out of the tree. It hoods up and strikes several times at the Doberman. This is not the same snake that was pulled out of this tree the day before. This one is only about half the size of yesterday’s snake. The Doberman snatches it up about mid way and shakes it something terrible. Drops it and it went right back to striking at the dog. The Doberman gave it a replay and this time throws it about 25 feet across the front yard. The house keeper is quick with the shovel and quickly dispatches it.
    I can a sure you that this snake is alive and well right here in Valencia. This snake is a “Spitting Cobra” These snakes are not aggressive in fact the two we encountered did their best to escape.
    That Doberman has earned my very best of respect. Last year she woke us up to a fire at 03:00 in the morning and now she handled two cobras in two days without her or us being hurt.
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    Last edited: Apr 2, 2020
  5. dr ski

    dr ski DI Member

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    I missed the 4th of July festivities in the US, but at least the sky put on a good show for me. Jul4.jpg July4A.jpg
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  6. cabb

    cabb DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster ✤Forum Sponsor✤

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    I'd like to do a shout out to Wrye83 (Dustin) for achieving over 10,000 positive ratings. :thumbsup: I'm struggling to get to 500. :wink: I doubt this feat will ever be duplicated. While not everyone will agree with his viewpoints, he has worked tirelessly to improve the forum, shared his valuable experiences and helped where he can.

    Cheers to you!!
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  7. Charlie

    Charlie DI Senior Member Restricted Account Veteran Coast Guard

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    Merry Christmas one and all.
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    • I was wondering about that too! I was wondering about that too! x 1
  8. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Best Answer
    I politely explained why I thought your use of the off-topic rating was not in line with the spirit of the rating and admitted it is a gray area. You received no warning points or account restrictions for using it in the way you did. You lost the ability to leave ratings because you want to debate and become belligerent over something so trivial.

    Lots of people here (including myself) have been moderated, you aren't special, you aren't being singled out, and it certainly isn't about race. The vast majority of people just accept it for what it is but there is a certain personally type that is completely incapable of it. I'm not certain what this type thinks they will win with this belligerent, defiant and entitled behavior but I doubt the prize they end up winning is the one they were hoping for.

    Please just move on and let this go. We both have better things to do, let's go do those things.
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  9. Notmyrealname

    Notmyrealname DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    What aggression - it takes far less effort to say nothing than to hurt someone.
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  10. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    1st Amendment:
    I'm not Congress. I allowed your obvious troll post because I thought they were funny at first and could provide a bit of fun for everyone. The act has gotten old now. I have permanently revoked your freedom of speech on this thread. Have a good one.
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