There was a young man from Dumaguete Who's wife he says, is rather Forgetty That on a Sunny side up, the yellow is runny Which makes dipping, so easy and funny My Wife and daughter laugh at me about my toast soldiers. Next week we will learn all about the Soft boiled Egg. Now we are talking Soldier Dipping. JP Gosh Life can be so Simple! Sometimes
I thought everybody dipped their toast soldiers in boiled eggs....".its just the way it is".... was shopping in hyper mart a few months ago, seen a sign for miniture (arrg i cant spell it) wine glasses, so went to have a look, bloody egg cups for christ sake someone tell me how to spell it
Miniature You were nearly there merv. You Found Eggcups? Where? I use a section of the Egg Tray for mine JP
I came up that boiled eggs were hardboiled, rinsed in cold water until they were the right temp to put in the fridge; eaten cold with some salt and pepper. Fried eggs on the other hand were sunny side up with yolk dripping off your toast. I can honestly say I've never eaten a boiled egg that was hot or with a runny yolk...funny as there is no difference other than presentation. Shawn
Once I had to teach a helper how to boil eggs. 2 dozen eggs later she still hadn't gotten the hang of it (it is an extremely easy process and I even wrote it down......but she would forget to start the timer . They were either running....or rubber....every single time.) I ended up just boiling a bunch myself and would throw them in the ref for the next day.....which then led to the helper cracking them open thinking they were uncooked I had to write "B" on the eggs I had boiled (even though I showed her that a boiled egg will spin faster than an unboiled one...and I put them in a different spot in the ref). The monkey was well fed when she was trying to learn how to cook breakfast....or just cook in general. Dense that one was.
Balut seems to be done right, but a hardboiled egg... Love the story, so many things we run into that just makes us shake our heads. Shawn