I have had 1 new post showing now all afternoon yet there is No new post to view. Any idea how to get rid of the number from the Box?
Top left corner where it says "mark forums as read" Click it if you've read all the new posts and it still shows read. Since the new hidden forums this happens to me a lot. I can only assume it is telling me there are new posts in the hidden areas that I do not read.
It is probably the thread I posted on the NSFW humor forum. You haven't opted-in to that forum and it will be hidden even from moderators unless they opt-in in the settings. Again, this shouldn't be happening. Think I know what the problem is.
I think I have it sorted....kinda. The new posts in the two hidden forums should not show up in the New Posts page (or show a number for unread messages) for anyone. Disabling this for everyone is not a good solution though. There is no logical reason for new posts in private forums to show up as an alert for members who do not have access to view the hidden forums. This bug was brought up back in 2013 to the developers at Xenforo and they haven't done anything to resolve it. There was an add-on that fixed the problem (and I did have it installed) but the developer stopped maintaining it and it does not work for the newer releases of the forum software.
While you are fixing . . . I went to the options to check mark access to the funnies Then I posted some funnies. Then I got this So far so good, then I went to that NSFW forum to check on the thread that I had already started and I got this