I'm thinking about opening an "Expat Hand Guide" type page on the forum (and on the main site). This page would include a list of "must-know" and "how-to" type of articles that would help people prepare for a move to Dumaguete or even just the Philippines. Need some ideas for article subjects ideas. A few examples that I can think of off the top of my head: Finding a rental property Sending and receiving money (Banking) Visa requirements/renewal information Finding a significant other Utility, food and other general costs of living Nightlife Public transportation Parks and recreation/outdoor activities Owning land Starting a business Any additional things you have had problems with since you have moved here that you wish knew before you made the move. The topics can be as broad as they need to be. I'd really appreciate some input from members on what they wish they had known before they made a move. These articles can also be catered to tourists as well. Note: Yes, most of this information can be found somewhere on the forum already. These articles (that I will write myself....or maybe member submitted articles) will be general information and will have a ton of links to the existing conversations on the forum.
Local names / brands of common OTC meds. How to eat and drink here without getting the shits (if this is even possible.) First X days setup guide. Things you will probably need and where to get them. This could be things like picking up drinking water. Renting a motorcycle. Locating the visa renewal location. I suppose this would be a combo of many other things, but it could be sort of like a checklist format. Maybe some of these are general for the Philippines though. You could also create a page with a nice printable format which would be sort of like a Dumaguete cheat sheet. This could include important numbers and other things which would be useful to have in your pocket.
Locations, maps, directions and pedi-cab fare for getting to the most likely needed to get to spots for an expat's first week here. This could include major shopping areas, utilities, immigration and whatever else. For directions and fare, I would use the market as the starting point.
It's been quite some time since I've had a helper but I should be able to write something up on finding (and keeping) a helper.
Doc C writes....you ain't ever gonna avoid getting Rizal's Revenge here in the Phils. It's what you do about it and using some common sense principles to minimise the risk of developing gastric-intestinal mayhem that counts. Stay hydrated, avoid dodgy looking fish and vendors, buy a cork for emergency plugging (not really recommended), stay out of the sun etc etc. Abandon all hope of ever avoiding the Aquino Two-Step. Other than, good idea in development for the forum...looking forward to seeing and reading this. I learn something new everyday here.
Huh? Hopefully I can write something that can be helpful to others....maybe with enough tanduay I can come up with something at least entertaining.