Do ya now? Nobody in the advertising/marketing section spoke good enough English to know that this sounds like something completely different? lol (My gf has control of the TV channels, which I largely ignore but the last couple days something has been catching my attention. I kept hearing "I love opium" on the TV. lol)
Original Philippine Music. Good thing I clicked to see that. My guess, being as this is Philippines, would have been that they sing Other People's Music. (And yes, I get the opium homonym)
I've often wondered how much money this country owes US entertainers in royalties. Every crappy "game show" here relies heavily on US pop music and I would be very surprised if they paid for the rights to use them. And then there are the Karaoke machines? I really doubt that all these companies producing karaoke machines have paid for the rights to use that music as well.
Did you expect to read a thread about my (or someone else's) love for opium? And if I did have a love for opium (which I absolutely do not....never even tried it ) or knew someone who did do you think I would put it on the forum.....and in the funny section?
I will freely admit I love least when I have the sh*ts. I don't think anything else will stop it up like that. I shouldn't have drank that service water.
My Bad disc's had been killing me for about 2 months finally went to my wifes doctor . She gave me a prescription for a drug called Paracetamal...Has a substance called opio... derivetive of opium (I Think) sure did help along with aspirin(The Wonder drug)...Sorry off topic here but a lot of us got waylayed on the title heeee
'OPM' should stand for "Other Peoples Music" as many are just remakes of famous songs done by foreign entertainers.
Quite the creative lot eh? Even the local music you are hard pressed to find a song that doesn't contain some variation of the word "mahal".
Quite appropriate IMO as "Mahal" means love and expensive. See: Mahal - Tagalog word with two meanings!