President Rodrigo Duterte has threatened on Friday night with the Manila Times Business Forum in Davao City that he will prohibit tourists from visiting Boracay's beaches if the island's environmental problems are not resolved in six months. - - Duterte says, "I'll close Boracay, Boracay is a cesspool." The president says he has ordered the environment minister Roy Cimatu to clean Boracay in six months. "Now on the days I was there, the waste was only 20 meters from the beach," says the President, adding, "If you go into the water, it stinks." What's the point? You are destroying the environment or the Republic of the Philippines and causing a catastrophe, Duterte points out, "If the problems of sewerage and sanitation are not resolved," the president predicts, there will be a time when foreigners will not go there any more Back home they are constantly going to the restroom to go back and forth because they are full of S ***. In an earlier study by the Department of Tourism, not tourists are the problem of Boracay, but the rapid population growth on the island is almost six times higher than the national average KR 11.02.2018 - 2:44
Definitely a huge difference in population and hotel rooms. I was there 2 years ago and prior to that 15 years ago. Seems like nothing good ever lasts........
So I read that as; ''When in Rome, go and sh*t under the Mango Tree and add to the beauty of the environment by way of fertilising said Mango Tree, just make sure you are wearing your Flip Flops!'' Who needs a "Where's the Humor" section when we have the local News? LOL
In some degree I would agree with Duterte. No sewage treatment on the island is the biggest issue. The missing waste management the next issue. Both issues need to be fixed ASAP.
Probably unrealistic, doesn't this same problem exist all over the Philippines, especially in smaller towns? You think all those large hotel owners creating these issues want to invest in the solution? Maybe when it starts effecting their bottom line. This is also a problem of saturation and over population. They should have managed the buildup years ago. I wish them luck.
Even on the Boulevard, across from Casablanca, et al....several years ago I was walking, enjoying the beautiful morning, and I saw a gentleman disappear into the side of the wall by the ocean. I wondered what he was doing in there (there was a water outlet). Next thing I saw poo come rolling out in the water into the ocean. Yep, I guess that is a restroom under there!! Word to the not swim, (or wade, or anything else) in the water on the boulevard!!
Or anywhere else where certain filipinos are having a swim in the ocean. More than once I have seen a bathing filipina out in the ocean, up to her neck, having a lovely swim it seems . . . . and then she is surprised when she drops an unexpected "floater". Its comical to watch them stroll casually away, like . . 'wasn't me' When I have questioned certain ladies about it I get a sly smile and a comment like "Its a big ocean"