new gym Thanx Rhoodinator for the pics 2bb
Gym Would it be possible to post a few pics of the new gym? I would like to see what it looks like. thanks 2 bb
Whats the word on the new gym over by Silliman? Did it get opened? Any more info is appreciated. 2 bb
New Gym Great to hear about a new gym in Duma. Fit for Life just about didn't have enough weight for me on some of the lifts. Since I am not...
woodstock I was 16, packed and ready to go. At the last minute my parents said no. I regret not going. 2 bb
It has been quite awhile since I posted here, since we haven't been over to Duma for several years due to my daughters health. I just wanted to...
where is the city... I agree with John Boy. Just ignore him, walk away, or complain to a manager (good luck there). Resorting to physical...
chiropractor Actually, I haven't used the Vax D, but manufacture and sell my own decompression table. I was just notified by the Missouri...
chiro wanted For the last several years, I had planned on moving to Duma., finishing our house, and opening a multi discipline chiropractic -...
We are going to try this again, and I hope it can stay civil. Let me list the facts. 1. The property is just north of the Malatapy market...
fitness center Well, well, well, looks what happens when you're gone from the board for awhile. Lo and behold, the "authorities" preach about...
Three cheers... Who is Rudy? Didn't he play one game of football for Notre Dame? Wasn't he in a movie? 2 bb