Post a message somewhere on the site to receive this.
Users who have attained this trophy: z3orym3r, Gabrielle_K, Malfeis, allred, Stilo, jimf, glass45, dongzky, booann, Sunredaussie
You've been a member for 2 years!
Users who have attained this trophy: barkada, AndyG, make a wish, KTM, Dreamer, Gabrielle_K, mydestinyz23, onlyme, roverman,
You've been a member for one year!
Users who have attained this trophy: flywithdanno, DiverTim, Robs, Cyndi, archon_manofsteel, tonyN, pkrbrad, booann, expatron, fundiver198
Somebody out there liked one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!
Users who have attained this trophy: Cyndi, TanjayGuy, DiverTim, dralionblade, Don, alesypalsy, Turbota, San Miguel, ShawnM, connoisseur
Happy Birthday from Dumaguete Info!
Users who have attained this trophy: slidegear, connoisseur, charlyB, Cletus, kokkefar, chatterbox, DeRail, Jens K, negrosorientalron, Juan1214