I do not have a Credit Card... There will be no arguments or finger pointing with others regards connecting. I have one PC. No other device...
Lenny; Try the following Link mate. https://www.stpeter.com.ph/cremation It quotes St. James (Cremation before Viewing) and St. Jude (Cremation...
I know my mother had to wait an extra week (in Australia) for a custom made Coffin for my Father. What miffed me was she paid $5,500AUD for it...
Yes Boss! :biggrin: lol I am not sure if you looked up while you were here mate, but PLENTY of ventilation in my Nipa Roof here! :biggrin: hehe...
It does seem cruel here compared to how it mostly works in the West (Australia at least) but it is what it is and I am trying to cover those bases...
A lot of what I have read online from the paranoid public is that Google and Facebook are gathering information such as Facial Recognition, Users...
Looks like I am not alone! Literally a Hundred + Happy (aka; abusive) Google user comments in the following Google Forum link stating the obvious...
I noticed that earlier when I tried three Free VPN's, and after installing each one, then searching in Google, it returned the same results where...
Boer; I suspect that is what the wife just put over one of the Goats which was in heat, she said it was HUUUGE! *Fingers crossed*
I HAD two small Fruit bearing Jack Fruit Trees before someone so kindly ring barked them, that pissed me off but I had hoped they would produce...
The Nipa Roof helps a lot with cooling compared to the lower iron roof covering our Kitchen extension, so a lot of thought will go into cooling...
Reading all these comments; it would appear that a Hollow Block House with Bamboo Rafters and Nipa Leaf Roof is looking more likely in my future...
I agree with all you have said here, these are just the things I have put in place, but added to that we have two St Peters funeral plans, at the...
I have tried to discuss this topic with my Wife here but as is usual Death is the last topic they wish to discuss. I am hoping once we are paid...