Sorry for my rant Rhoody but I don't think my noble intentions deserved such a caustic response from you. I'm not going anywhere as I have...
Electricity needs a route to get back to ground. If you are fully insulated from the ground it can't go anywhere. If it weren't the case all the...
They probably aren't "purifying" it if they are selling it under various brand names in the supermarket. They can do anything and nothing to it...
I'd like the loca fellow's contact # via PM if you please. The cheapy 2000 peso guitars in the bottom of Lee Paza might be sufficient for me though.
Mineral Water Mineral Water has no scientific meaning. Neither does Spring Water....another common trick question on University Science exams...
... and then there is good old fashioned boiling. Whenever there is an issue with well water in the small hicktowns of Canada and the States they...
Carbon Filters My experience is limited to water supplies in the USA and Canada. That's not to say that it isn't transferrable to here. The...
Thanks Rhoody... I miss my Youtube and was never a very patient guy to begin with. Does anyone have an opinion of who is running the fastest...
There are lots of good bottled products on the shelf...yes including beer. I forgot to mention that there has been alot of bad news on refilling...
I thought I'd do a little blurb on drinking water as my contribution to the group. I am especially concerned about the new Reverse Osmosis fad,...
Sorry for starting off in a rant. Great news, I woke up today for the first time without a headache. I should impart some of my wisdom from...
It is doubtful that I'm going to make it to Palawan. If anyone has a legitimate and provable need for high quality antimalarials, I'd be willing...
Thanks for the complement on the video. They are pretty shaky though on account I was using entirely new gear and haven't been in the water for... for having "a few drunks", I prefer sober girls, they don't throw up on me.