Trophies Awarded to devildog4
10Awarded: Mar 1, 2015
Can't Stop!
You've posted 100 messages. I hope this took you more than a day!
Users who have attained this trophy: midway, tomtorific, gerry_bc, barryrio, bounty98, hawk263, roadking, culumbinus, chi town, Cletus
5Awarded: Mar 1, 2015
Keeps Coming Back
30 messages posted. You must like it here!
Users who have attained this trophy: nick78_swe, rmlupu, PatO, sntmig, patty, Firefly44, RALPHHOGAN, culumbinus, mattchu5150, novice
15Awarded: Jun 27, 2019
8th Anniversary
You've been a member for 8 years!
Users who have attained this trophy: jim787, make a wish, Cyndi, mydestinyz23, anglerman, bounty98, garbonzo, The Dane, Sunredaussie, KTM
15Awarded: Feb 4, 2019
7th Anniversary
You've been a member for 7 years!
Users who have attained this trophy: Dolores, AndyG, tlrtraveler, jimeve, grandpainak, flywithdanno, kiwidude, redhorse, progmeister, chi town
15Awarded: Feb 4, 2019
6th Anniversary
You've been a member for 6 years!
Users who have attained this trophy: dongzky, fundiver198, Paul, onlyme, ShawnM, bounty98, booann, roverman, Ronondo Rico, carl
15Awarded: Feb 4, 2019
5th Anniversary
You've been a member for 5 years.
Users who have attained this trophy: Ronondo Rico, kewl_ryan, JohnInValencia, grandpainak, KTM, archon_manofsteel, jimf, joel, roverman, bounty98
15Awarded: Feb 4, 2019
4th Anniversary
You've been a member for 4 years!
Users who have attained this trophy: jimf, roverman, richardg, ghost7, sntmig, daanlungsod,, AndyG, JohnInValencia, DiverTim
15Awarded: Mar 1, 2015
3rd Anniversary
You've been a member for 3 years!
Users who have attained this trophy: AndyG, Knowdafish, mikemelda, Ricardo, Eaglescout, Paul, Oudevos, Gabrielle_K, liquido, make a wish
15Awarded: Mar 1, 2015
2nd Anniversary
You've been a member for 2 years!
Users who have attained this trophy: Sunredaussie, onlyme, wobblybob, dralionblade, TheDude, grandpainak, mikemelda, kewl_ryan, glass45, Dolores
15Awarded: Mar 1, 2015
1st Anniversary
You've been a member for one year!
Users who have attained this trophy: Pedro, progmeister, john boy, barkada, SteveB, nipjap, flodis, Ricardo, Dreamer, microslack