.. You must be a youngster Bobby Fuller Four
I think the best thing you can do is to get your child a passport to your home country while you are still around.This will give them options...
A big bottleneck today at Santader pier ,Mayo shipping with buses, lorries etc coming across from Cebu. have never seen it like this before....
]Think I solved my ICC sticker issue. Went to Anna's Electrical shop, bought a roll of 3M electrical tape for 35P, cut the ICC sticker off the...
Mcdonald's Thailand Imposes One-Hour Time Limit For Customers - Thailand News - Thailand Forum they are trying this in thailand would it be a...
Friday, July 27, 2012 MANILA -- The Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC) ordered on Friday the Land Transportation Office...
Republic of the Philippines CONGRESS OF THE PHILIPPINES Metro Manila Fourteenth Congress Third Regular Session Begun and held in...
you could always shift to Cebu Citom: Helmet Law causes confusion, better to defer it | Inquirer News
Any udates on this case. Have the facts come out yet or has it been written off as an inhouse disagreement within the parking mafia.
My point is a lot of guys here probably thought Jesus ( the parking minder) was a great guy when it turns out according to the paper he was known...
They have their own pecking order like any gang. A great bunch of guys until you brush them off once too often. I started a thread here a couple...