Ken at Ken's trading is a good guy, I new him years ago. but what you need to know about insurance anywhere in the Philippines is that for a...
I was a little shocked by this news, and surprised no one else responded to this post. I had been looking to find Harry some weeks ago. You know...
This is an old thread, and i am an old dog, hehe. I first posted this back in 2007, and for the most part I still think it holds true. I will...
I see Rhoody is up to his old tricks...
I know this a dumaguete forum, but anybody know about the El Canonero diving resort in Pueta Galera, run by two Italian guys it seems. I have some...
Simply put, it is a different culture... Placing a value judgement on it such as: idiotic, stupid, backwards doesn't change things. We are the...
Cebu is not that great, as in dumaguete, it depends where you live as to what provider works best. Brown outs can be handled I suppose with a...
Thanks guys, Yes obviously it's a keep your eyes open drive around until you find something kind of thing. By the way I don't use air con. All i...
Last time I was in Dumaguete I could rent a comfortable (Filipino style) 2 bedroom house for 5-6000 P per month. This would have been in the...
well that's what it was like 4 years ago when i last lived there, not bad then. thanks for the info. I remember evening slow down issues with...
what happens if you smoke? do the police fine you? there's your answer... In Colon Cebu they now have a littering ordinance, funny how only...
HI, I am Jon brand new here, thinking of relocating to Negros/Dumagute. I need consistent internet access, enough to Skype reliably on week ends...