Thats what we will try then, Thanks again for you help !
lol, ( unless he is real loud ) it is [ATTACH] a bit far for me, I'm in Alabama, in the United States. do you think he would reply to someone on...
Thank you ! My wife says she built her home and used Polaris for her electric in 2005? We looking to build again in Dumaguete beginning middle...
thank-you for the assistance, is his profile located in this web site ?
thanks for the reply !
oh thanks for the reply ! I'm curious what was the advice that was given ?
Hello, have you ever had any luck with finding a prefab home or company ?
My point exactly !
As I explore the idea of moving to Dumaguete, I find that the prices of goods for groceries cheaper here in lower Alabama close to Mobile and...
light pollution/ waste ?
I'll try again, the first time the web page changed quickly, so my intended response became a blank. Since I live in the US, people in America...
good stuff, often found at the table of my fiancé
Hey PatO, thanks for the input, I appreciate every bit I can receive from this forum. My whole life I've been in a high risk category, I think...
Hi Pedro, thanks so much for the info, looks to me like I have a lot of homework, and research to do. Curiously and off topic, how long have you...