Hi, Rocky! I used to live in Vegas for almost 10 years. I just moved from Vegas to Florida 2 weeks ago. I think to live in the Philippines you'll...
Looks like an evil gecko. It looks so terrifying on the picture. I don't care if this creature give me good luck. I don't believe it anyway. I...
Just make sure we have enough beers, a designated driver and a bed just in case we pass out.
Jss, you're so resourseful. I read almost your contribution on this forum. Vey informative. Hat's Off! Since last year and few months ago there...
I hope you enjoy your stay. Don't forget to give us some info what's going on at Coco's when you meet everybody.
I repeat it to you I have a place there.
You just don't pack and leave if you live there the rest of your life. You don't give up things that you work hard especially when it comes from...
Chrissar. you're only visiting for 2 weeks. I use to live there. Born and raised.I'm well informed what's going on. . They have a newspaper The...
Always stays in Vegas. It never happens.
Wait and see 'til you experience yourselves. I live in Vegas. Gangs. underwolrd sydicate. hookers,etc. You name it, we got it all here. The point...
West Coast Hokies,Yeah. Party Time! Rhoody, I will pay your drinks as long as ypu don't drink a lot. Ha Ha. This time I'll be alone. My husband...
I'll be arriving Dgte. on June 28. I read it right - Everyone is Welcome. Do you have any activity on July? Who's the Big Kahuna that preside the...
I am a Filipino but I don't feel safe in my own country. I've been livin' in the US for 20 years and I don't feel that way here. If somebody...
Mark, that picture is breathtaking! I can't wait to go home. Maharlika
Thanks Mark.