I you're an Amazon Prime subscriber, they now ship a lot of items to the Philippines for free as long as you spend US$50 on the order. Usually...
Does any know of a knowledgeable lawn/grass expert? My extensive area grass has died due to grubs and I need someone who actually knows how to...
The Dumaguete LTO website https://ltoportal.ph/lto-dumaguete-office/ show the Robinson Place Renewal Office still functional. I have heard that...
My license expires in about 10 days. Looked around for any current info on what to do. Signed up for the LTMS Portal and with some patience...
Sounds like "fixers". They have offices now? (I have nothing against fixers. But they would be out of business if the LTO functioned like it...
There is an officer at the U.S. Consulate in Cebu City that will notarize your documents that will be accepted in the U.S. Make an appointment or...
.....and then the pouch goes to the port in Cebu where it sits until the container is full. Then the container gets shipped to Manila where it is...
You won't find a podiatrist in the Philippines. It is not a recognized medical specialty (unfortunately). You need to see an M.D. orthopedic...
I lost a measuring tape to Sibulan Airport (DGT) security, too, a few years back. I fly out of there maybe three or four times a year, tops. I...
If it's a franchise with tight corporate control, the owner may not be able to add things like a specialty coffee machine. I will ask him next...
Burnt bacon! Perfect! I prefer it that way. But never try to to eat it with any utensils or, of course, bits will go flying. Burnt bacon is a...
Those are useful and readily available around town. But they are not RCDs or GFCIs which have a very different function.
The bivalent booster which includes Omicron variant has been out for over a year. It is already "obsolete" in that a new booster with the...