I used the same agency Mary Rose Baranda in 2015 at no cost to me - the fee was paid by the PRA. The operative was brilliant and when I hit a snag...
Hi Pat, Completed our certification yesterday and can say we had the very best experience I can imagine. They were absolutely wonderful. Our...
Looking for a good scuba diving school to get entry level certification (preferrably PADI) for 3 people being my kids and self around mid January...
I have a friend arriving at the end of the week who is a Vegetarian (not vegan) and was wondering if I could get a list and suggestion of better...
I am Australian and non military so had to look it up. To help those others scratching their heads: "On November 10, 1775, the Second Continental...
I was able to read your deleted post because Dutchie had replied with a very good informed reply to which I totally agree. My partner was working...
Yes, I have a (just finished Year 6) student there and have been extremely happy with the school always but in particular during the pandemic...
I'm loving the football. The Sweden/USA game was a cracker as was the England/Nigeria and just now starting the Australia/Denmark game which seems...
Just a reminder the match is on today Sunday 6th August. You can view at home using your browser go to plus. fifa and then select the live telecast.
Very sad news Pat. A lovely place to spend an afternoon.