G'day everyone. Is there any post here about this post I've read on my facebook wall? This Aussie And His Sons Was Neglected By Filipina...
Thanks for all your condolences. It hurt so much because we were supposed to fly to PI on 4th March 2013 for a 7-week holiday. We've booked our...
About 6:15 am on Tuesday 26th February 2013 I was at home when PrensBana left for work. He seemed ok like usual. We hugged each other and kissed...
3 young Filipinas do Gangnam Style cover Gday Dumites Pren saw this on Bandila today and showed me the youtube clip. These 3 sisters from...
Every time i come to the Philippines i take anti Malaria tabs Is it really nescesary? Do any of you expats living there take anything at all...
Just to get PatO off the hook so he will be blamelss in the eyes of torrilian, i shall take full responsability for posting PatO's quote: My 2...
There must be something about the mountain folk. My wife comes from a dirt poor highlander family too and they have never pestered me for...
. Dili ko ganahan !!!
Being able to shoot and kill anyone who pisses you off is highly valued in the U.S., or even being able to shoot and kill people, even school...
Yeah, your right! :rolleyes: No limitations! :rolleyes: There should be an Arms Race so that the average Joe Citizen has the right to try...
Unarmed people more dangerous.......... Hmmmm Care to supply some kind of support or evidence for such a, lets say, at a minimum, controversial...
_________________________________________ -- Angging (nee) Babor (taga Mabinay) . [ATTACH] -- Gipanganak - 29th Disyembre 1985...