Trophies Awarded to TheDude
20Awarded: Dec 18, 2015
1,000 messages. Impressive!
Users who have attained this trophy: robert k, Rye83, grandpainak, expatron, Knowdafish, ChMacQueen, danbandanna, progmeister, john boy, Dave_Hounddriver
15Awarded: Oct 30, 2014
300 posts! Keep them coming!
Users who have attained this trophy: PatO, DavyL200, The Dane, you_have_been_removed, Dr. Shiva, gerry_bc, baltoed, garbonzo, Senjenbing, PangitPilot
15Awarded: Oct 30, 2014
Indy 500
You've posted 500 messages. We hope you know what your talking about!
Users who have attained this trophy: djfinn6230, jim787, Rye83, SkipJack, Dave_Hounddriver, DAVE1952, RHB, jimeve, danbandanna, john boy
10Awarded: Oct 20, 2014
Can't Stop!
You've posted 100 messages. I hope this took you more than a day!
Users who have attained this trophy: jimf, osodelnorte, DavyL200, moveingon, redhorse, connoisseur, gerry_bc, SteveB, tunji oluwajuyemi, expatron
5Awarded: Oct 20, 2014
Keeps Coming Back
30 messages posted. You must like it here!
Users who have attained this trophy: Guy, San Miguel, Union Jack, john reynolds, Old Codger, Paul, AndyG, Ninja, Turbota, PatO
1Awarded: Oct 20, 2014
First Message
Post a message somewhere on the site to receive this.
Users who have attained this trophy: john boy, jotubs, AndyG, mydestinyz23, ShawnM, mike_7357, expatron, wretched_hyena, pkrbrad, bounty98
20Awarded: Feb 6, 2016
Controversial Subjects Opt-In
Congratulations! You now have access to view discussions in the Controversial Subjects forum. Play nice.
Users who have attained this trophy: RALPHHOGAN, anti_crazy, Zonie100, Crystalhead, kikayvi, midway, qtxomadrid, horizon155, Cletus, AlwaysRt
15Awarded: Jun 1, 2016
8th Anniversary
You've been a member for 8 years!
Users who have attained this trophy: flywithdanno, tanjay, kiwidude, Gabrielle_K, a007esprit, tbevan, foxylady313, sirmoori, nipjap, AndyG
15Awarded: Jun 2, 2015
7th Anniversary
You've been a member for 7 years!
Users who have attained this trophy: Curtis, expatron, Gabrielle_K, Stilo, baltoed, TheSwede, wretched_hyena, Pedro, john reynolds, grandpainak
15Awarded: Oct 31, 2014
6th Anniversary
You've been a member for 6 years!
Users who have attained this trophy: jenniedc, dralionblade, Dreamer, Malfeis, tonyN, grandpainak, pon329, JohnInValencia, Gabrielle_K, jimeve
15Awarded: Oct 31, 2014
5th Anniversary
You've been a member for 5 years.
Users who have attained this trophy: glass45, tbevan, johncarson, traveller2104, Sunredaussie, TheSwede, kiwidude, ghost7, richardg, connoisseur
15Awarded: Oct 30, 2014
4th Anniversary
You've been a member for 4 years!
Users who have attained this trophy: onlyme, wretched_hyena, microslack, barkada, Malfeis, make a wish, andrew.scribner, The Dane, Stilo, carl
15Awarded: Oct 30, 2014
3rd Anniversary
You've been a member for 3 years!
Users who have attained this trophy: traveller2104, Stilo, make a wish, Pedro, liquido, expatron, jimeve, mike_7357, TheDude, kewl_ryan
15Awarded: Oct 30, 2014
2nd Anniversary
You've been a member for 2 years!
Users who have attained this trophy: connoisseur, oceanpet, mike_7357, Paul, Survivor Adik, Eaglescout, Oudevos, Malfeis, allred, progmeister
15Awarded: Oct 30, 2014
1st Anniversary
You've been a member for one year!
Users who have attained this trophy: Sitkan, expatron, foxylady313, wobblybob, redhorse, dongzky, microslack, Knowdafish, jenniedc, sntmig
30Awarded: Apr 4, 2019
Content you have posted has attracted 500 likes.
Users who have attained this trophy: TheDude, Crystalhead, ShawnM, PatO, Show Pony, john boy, DavyL200, Brian Oinks, jimeve, alex
1Awarded: May 14, 2017
Bad post rating?
Everyone has an off day. Here's a trophy point, hope that cheers ya up a bit.
Users who have attained this trophy: Bruce, Liverpool fan, mattchu5150, Dr. Shiva, AussieBob, Frankfunk, Dave_Hounddriver, Dutchie, mrossbach, Happy Camper
50Awarded: Mar 18, 2017
You like me, you really like me!
Amazing. 1000 positive post ratings!
Users who have attained this trophy: Dutchie, PatO, jimeve, Rye83, danbandanna, ChMacQueen, Brian Oinks, Dave_Hounddriver, TheDude, robert k
20Awarded: Apr 21, 2016
Can't Get Enough of Your Stuff
Your content has been liked 250 times.
Users who have attained this trophy: PatO, Edward K, john boy, nwlivewire, Dave & Imp, Happy Camper, cabb, Crystalhead, Glendazumba, TheDude
15Awarded: Aug 14, 2015
Seriously Likeable!
Content you have posted has attracted 100 likes.
Users who have attained this trophy: cabb, Cerne, djfinn6230, NYC, Crystalhead, RR_biker, barryrio, danbandanna, Dave & Imp, Dave_Hounddriver
12Awarded: Mar 1, 2015
Your posts have been liked 50 times! Keep them coming.
Users who have attained this trophy: robert k, Obliged Friend, tuba-coma, charlyB, ChMacQueen, WATSISNAME, Edward K, Family_Guy, cabb, alesypalsy
10Awarded: Nov 17, 2014
I Like It a Lot
Your messages have been liked 25 times.
Users who have attained this trophy: DavyL200, sandycreekg, oztony, tunji oluwajuyemi, NYC, Pedro, johncarson, jimeve, PatO, Michael. B
2Awarded: Oct 20, 2014
Somebody Likes You
Somebody out there liked one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!
Users who have attained this trophy: JohnInValencia,, a007esprit, Union Jack, xhippie, Rye83, boomerang, dustylane53, foxylady313, moveingon