Law enforcement in the Philippines not exactly what you're accustomed to? Of all the crimes that occur here cigarette smoking should be very low...
I also recommend Avast. The best av software I've used so far.
Ok, one more. In deference to The Dude, I retract my term "empire" and substitute hegemony in it's place.
I didn't give you a reputation mark and fyi, I got one too. bye.
You're a good student of US propaganda. Roosevelt's policies did not get us out of the Depression. Neither did WW2 as is so commonly taught. The...
Well I guess that wasn't appreciated. I'll stop contributing here.
Peso approaching 48. Global economy still going down. Regardless of what happens next, this is the beginning of the end of the American Empire....
Viking spam spam,spam,spam,spam,spam,spam,spam,spam,spam,spam,spam,spam,spam,spam,
Pron Spam
That was my plan too until the Treasury suggested they would start buying shares in private banks. Oops, is that off-topic?:eek:
I'm not there yet but I've never heard that before. The Social Security Administration will send payment wherever they are asked to. The...
LOL, I get it! That means the people eating at the Cat Festival are p...... uh.. ok.. I'll stop there. :p
I'm rapidly coming to a similar conclusion.
Is there a race track in Duma? Let me know so I can place a bet. :D
Thank you for you posting Mam A. I hope by sharing my plans I haven't come across as a braggart. I just thought other foreigners may gleen...