Anyone who wants to drive out to the location (in Bacong) is welcome. Just PM me and set a time and get directions. Unfortunately, with the...
I just finished building a house for myself in Bacong using EVG panels. (Thank you ShawnM for introducing me to the concept and giving me some...
Help! I'm building a home above Valencia. I need internet. No PLDT lines nearby. Any suggestions of internet providers?
City Hardware has them, but I'm not a fan. Take a look at Triumph. They have some I really like.
Where do you buy your vermicompost? rice hulls? How much do you pay for each?
ShawnM wrote "The back side is solid (EVG panel) but ...." Can you tell me where you purchased your EVG panels? I've only been able to find them...
I'd like to upgrade my car stereo and speakers. Can anyone recommend someone who will do a good job with this?
I'll check it out......
I'm aware of two indoor badminton courts which were in Dumaguete, (one at the old bowling alley and one in back of Hypermart) but it appears both...