Hello everyone thanks for having me here i want to meet more friends/peers here I can also do meet ups for those who want :D
Tranquila there ! Welcome My friend! Gene, you came in to the station like an ExpressTrain, Shunt around a little, you will find a lot of friends here, It all takes time, I said this some time ago, Stop, Look and listen. Read the threads and post well. Enjoy you stay here on DI. Jack P.
Welcome Gene. I know what are push ups (for exercising my body and I believe for women to get their showies more visible ) but I really don't know what Meet ups are. Just meeting u(p)s ? Tell a bit more about yourself so we get a better picture who we gonna meet
Hello. I'm a newbie to this forum as well! I've been to Dumaguete once for a business trip. I hope to be back here soon.