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Faa dpe

Discussion in '☋ Expat Section ☋' started by Provider23, Dec 2, 2010.

  1. PangitPilot

    PangitPilot DI Forum Adept

    May 3, 2010
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    0. Find a Reputable Maintained Organization in the Philippines to conduct the return to Service and inspections. LISTEN to them and do EXACTLY what they say with the paperwork. DO NOT blame them if you do not follow instructions and you have problems.
    1. Pay for Export C of A.
    2. Pay the Packing in the States
    3. Pay the Freight
    4. Find a Filipino or Filipino Corporation to be the Registrant. You can own and lease to this entity
    5. Find a reputable Customs Broker in the Philippines
    6. Ship the Aircraft to the Registrant
    7. Expect to have an argument with Customs on the Value of the Aircraft. They DO know what a Blue Book is
    8. Get totally stressed when you have to pay way more duties and taxes than you expected
    9. Eventually get your aircraft out and get it to the reputable maintenance organization
    10. Allow about 2-3 months for you aircraft to be registered, inspected and airworthied on the RP register
    11. Get a Temp License from the CAAP to do 10 hours. Get a Filipino Medical. Do the 10 hours, solo. Submit Check Ride Paperwork. Do the checkride. wait 2-3 weeks for license to issue. You cannot fly after you checkride until you license is renewed

    Moral of the story, cost all this out. Just look for an aircraft here and yo only have the license to deal with.

    Do not even THINK about flying it around in the N register
  2. OP

    Provider23 DI Junior Member

    Sep 25, 2010
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    yes i will agree with "pagit pilot" better to buy an a/c here registered here,so you wont go into frustrating pocedures....may by that period i will be able to offer you one ,once i have my plans materialized,anyway 10 years more to go....If you are a licence aviator have it endorsed here by CAAP so you can fly here in the PHilippines