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Travel Advisory

Discussion in '☋ Expat Section ☋' started by cactusflower, Feb 17, 2008.

  1. cactusflower

    cactusflower DI Member

    U.S. Embassy Manila
    Warden Message
    February 15, 2008


    Travel Warning
    February 13, 2008
    This Travel Warning updates information on the security situation and reminds Americans of the risks of travel in the Philippines. This Travel Warning supersedes the Travel Warning for the Philippines issued April 27, 2007.

    U.S. citizens contemplating travel to the Philippines should carefully consider the risks to their safety and security while there, including those due to terrorism. While travelers may encounter such threats anywhere in the Philippines, the southern island of Mindanao and the Sulu Archipelago are of particular concern. Travelers should exercise extreme caution in both central and western Mindanao as well as in the Sulu Archipelago. Kidnap for ransom gangs operate in the Philippines. In October 2007, one such gang abducted a visiting U.S. citizen whose whereabouts are unknown at this time. Several other foreigners were also kidnapped for ransom in 2007

    The New People’s Army (NPA), a terrorist organization, operates in many rural areas of the Philippines, including in the northern island of Luzon. While it has not targeted foreigners in several years, the NPA could threaten U.S. citizens engaged in business or property management activities, and it often demands “revolutionary taxes.”

    Terrorist groups, such as the Abu Sayyaf Group and the Jema’ah Islamiyah, and groups that have broken away from the more mainstream Moro Islamic Liberation Front or Moro National Liberation Front, have carried out bombings resulting in deaths, injuries and property damage. On January 3, 2008, a bomb exploded at a Cotabato City disco pub, killing one and injuring eight.

    The central and western areas of Mindanao have also experienced bombings targeting bus terminals and public buildings. While those responsible do not appear to have targeted foreigners, travelers should remain vigilant and avoid congregating in public areas; a recent bombing outside the House of Representatives in Metro Manila resulted in a number of deaths and injuries to bystanders.

    U.S. Government employees must seek special permission for travel to Mindanao or the Sulu Archipelago. When traveling in Mindanao, U.S. official travelers attempt to lower their profile, limit their length of stay, and exercise extreme caution. Some foreigners who reside in or visit western and central Mindanao hire their own security.

    The Department strongly encourages Americans in the Philippines to register with the Consular Section of the U.S. Embassy in Manila through the State Department's travel registration website, https://travelregistration.state.gov. The U.S. Embassy is located at: 1201 Roxas Boulevard, Manila, Philippines, tel. 63-2-301-2000. The American Citizen Services (ACS) section's fax number is 63-2-301-2017 and the ACS web page is at American Citizen Services.

    For information on general crime and security issues, U.S. citizens should also consult the Department of State's Country Specific Information for the Philippines and the Worldwide Caution, located at Welcome to Travel.State.Gov. American citizens may also obtain up-to-date information on security conditions by calling 1-888-407-4747 from the United States and Canada, or 202-501-4444 from overseas.
  2. southerndon

    southerndon DI Member

    It's always good to remember the other side of living and visiting the Philippines and post like this certainly serve a good purpose.

    With that being said...this same warning with a few differences is the same thing I read when I last visited the Philippines. Everyone told me that I was going right into the mouth of the Lion because I was visiting Mindanao.

    Isulan, Sultan Kudarat to be exact.I understand their feelings and thank them for their advice and concern. But I refuse to live in fear when I travel to the Phils. If I have to live in fear I dont need to be there.

    This doesn't mean I'm reckless with my life nor an I cavalier with it too. I just realize that what happens...happens. And if something were to happen to me in the Philippines it's more than likely out of my control to begin with.

    Foreigners being targeted for serious crimes are a small percentage of the actual crime there. Just keep your eyes and ears open...and don't be stupid with your life and I feel anyone would be fine.

    Be careful but not fearful and have a great time. That's my motto!

  3. Sama

    Sama DI New Member

    Travel Warning

    I used to live for 13 years in the dominican republic, and in any cases it is much more dangerous there, than here except maybe in some places in Mindanao, and for that country and a lot of other countries in Latin America which I also consider more dangerous than here, there is no warning.
  4. Timn8ter

    Timn8ter DI Forum Adept

    I second southerdon's comments. Not to minimize the concern, that is essentially the same warning the State Department has issued for at least 10 years. We flew to the Philippines in December 2001, 3 months after the terrorist attack on New York City. Our families were convinced we were taking a huge risk. What we experienced were greatly diminished crowds at the resorts. Bad for the resort people but good for us.
    Bottom line; be careful, be realistic, but don't be paranoid.
  5. fundiver198

    fundiver198 DI Forum Adept

    Safety in the Philippines

    It is very old news, that there are problems with terrorists in certain parts of Mindanao, and this certainly should not be of any concern whatsoever to people visiting or living in other parts of the country.

    It is also true, that in many parts of the country, the government does not really have control in remote areas, so a bit of caution is warrented, if one is straying around in such places. This includes also the mountains on Negros, as NPA is also active here.

    I find it very misleading however, that the US government label NPA as a "terrorist" organization. Unfortunatly there has been a strong tendency since 9/11 2001 to label all sort of rebel groups as "terrorists". But in my opinion and by most formal definitions of the word, the activities, that the US government describe NPA as carrying out, can not be defined as terrorism.

    A more correct description is therefore, that NPA is a left wing rebel group, or that they are just plain and simple criminals - a kind of local mafia if you like. One could get into trouble with NPA if carrying out business in certain parts of the country, but one could certainly also get into trouble with a corrupt police officer, corrupt politicians or other powerfull people. So warning particularly against the NPA seems a bit misleading and out of proportion. The lack of equal and fair enforcement of the law is a far bigger problem for people conducting business in the Philippines than is the NPA.

    If one was a bit supportive of the NPA, they could be described as a communist rebel group fighting against a military dictatorship disguised as a democracy. I am not saying, that this is an accurate description of the political situation in the Philippines, but the truth lies somewhere in between this and defining NPA as "terrorists".
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  6. Timn8ter

    Timn8ter DI Forum Adept

    You're not insinuating there might be some propaganda going on are you fundiver?

  7. OP

    cactusflower DI Member

    Webster defined terrrorists (ism) as "systemic use of terror especially as a means of coercion". Don't you think the NPAs are doing this?
  8. yabs

    yabs DI Forum Adept Restricted Account

    well we all know the US is full of Sh*t don't we.
    They invade Iraq so Bush can get the guy who tried to "kill his Daddy".
    They they defend themselves and ratherr than being soldiers they are
    Terrorists. The only terrorists are the Bush administration.
    NPA are as you say a political group trying to fight the injustice of having a US
    authorised puppet dictarship under Arroyo.
    Amazing that both Arroyo and Taxin , two of the most corrupt politicians in asia are supported by the US u nder a pretext of democracy after they both get to their position through bribery and happen to be the sort of greddy ultra capitalists that the US loves.
    Hardly democratic.
    One good thing is that this warning may put tourists off coming here
    especillay the stupid american ones and that can only be a good thing.
    I do n't think this warninbg is without weight though
    terrorism is alive and well in the Phils under the J1 and Al Queda but defining the NPA as terrorists is a joke
  9. RHB

    RHB DI Senior Member

    I think yabs is a forum terrorist personally...somehow got another thread back to political trashing again.
  10. jellyfish

    jellyfish DI Forum Patron

    Yabs....keep your frustration a bit controled please and don't fade topics always towards political issues to express your conviction.

    Following quote is far too extreme for me:
    Quote"One good thing is that this warning may put tourists off coming here
    especillay the stupid american ones and that can only be a good thing."