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Gangs of Dumaguete

Discussion in '☋ Dumaguete City ☋' started by ViperACR, Apr 30, 2007.

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  1. West Coast Hokies

    West Coast Hokies DI Forum Adept

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    I don't think that's nonsense. In fact it makes lot's of sense. Dumaguete is still a relatively small city. If you treat people with respect and decency, word gets around. You treat people disrespectfully, word also gets around, probably quicker. And your chances of receiving a "random " criminal act have increased. That's my impression. I do agree with you that using common sense helps.
  2. chrissar

    chrissar DI Senior Member

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    Now if you find Dumaguete unsafe to live, why are your siblings still living in Dumaguete? Are you not worried about their lives? Anywhere in this world crimes, violence happen. So, where you are living now, is not an exception.
  3. Timn8ter

    Timn8ter DI Forum Adept

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    I think puti-tigbaw meant the comment sounded a bit Polyanna; that no harm will come to you if you live a good life. I'm not sure that's what chrissar meant and I agree that you should be kind and not offend people. No point in inviting trouble by angering someone.
  4. Maharlika

    Maharlika DI Junior Member

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    You just don't pack and leave if you live there the rest of your life. You don't give up things that you work hard especially when it comes from our NONO.
    They prefer to die than to leave. We have principles. You like it or not that's the way it is.
  5. chrissar

    chrissar DI Senior Member

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    Well said, Timn8ter. What comes around, goes around.:wink:
  6. chrissar

    chrissar DI Senior Member

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    So you don't share the same principles with your family, since you packed and left.:wink:
  7. Maharlika

    Maharlika DI Junior Member

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    I repeat it to you I have a place there.
  8. jss

    jss DI Member

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    Not that simple, chrissar...

    I think you might be missing the point.
    Perhaps what you MEANT to say is "do good to unto others, so that any bad coming our way would be MINIMIZED." Even if we are the most decent human beings, that does not PREVENT bad things from happening to us. That's just common sense.
    Remember, the bad guys are "bad" because they are immoral to begin with. They dont believe in karma as you do. They really dont check personal decency history before conducting their criminal activities.
    Of course we should be good and decent as we are just guests of this country. And my feeling is that foreigners looking for trouble dont head toward duma but perhaps to angeles (might be wrong :smile:)...
    And you know what? I truly believe that it is those who are vulnerable--older, gentler, lacking mental faculties--these are the targets of criminals. Not the loan sharks, sleazy bar owners, gambling lords... Even the criminals would be scared to mess with these folks, noh?
    I dont know how old you are or your background, but i think you are old enough to know that nothing is as simple as we would like it to be. Things are complicated and difficult no matter where we live and how we live. But we try of course to make the best of the situation. And we all need to relieve the stress we face once in a while. And i thank this forum for allowing people to do just that!
  9. pickled_newt

    pickled_newt DI Forum Patron

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    With all discussions about negative picture of dumaguete and its gangs n goons .I had lived long enough in negros and dumaguete,nothing happened to me or us .I have extended families out there ,they're ok,neither any of them are victims ,not worst than Cebu . I am not saying either there are no criminals in Dumaguete preying for the vulnerable ones ,surely there are various kinds out there with victims ,but they don't stop us from coming to dumaguete and prospects to live there,there's no place as perfect nowadays .Visiting or living in Dgte is treated all the same as where we live or as to other places we visit ,we have to use our common sense in our daily lives .People who adhere to paint an all out negative picture ,why buy or maintain a property and ideas to visit and live there if it's hell of a place to go. why not rather dispose the property and move or buy somewhere else rosy and avoid Dumaguete. Isn't it playing kind of double standard views,lols. If not sure about dumaguete and getting intensely paranoid about the place ,but still there or visiting there geeee ,make up your minds.:p I would say Dumaguete is not for all.Tough!

    Violence and crimes are the reality of the times.If not sure stick inside the cocoon of your own homes and never come out,lols.
  10. eddy

    eddy DI Member

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    yes pickled newt, I have met some really kind people here, neighbours are great, gentleman across the road said if you want a pickup truck to go anywhere take this one, and I hardly know him, you would not get that offer in London. trike driver's are very good here. in thailand they are much more mercenery.
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